Episode 32: fire phoneix and soros

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Alancha smirks while looking at soros "cmon you really think you can take down the Phoenix god?" Alancha asked as fire covers his body "Phoenix flash!" Alancha yells firing a large shockwave of fire that hits soros and launches him into the sky Alancha grows out his Phoenix wings and flies up to soros "damn you!" Soros yelled and swung around punching Alancha hard launching him down to the ground.
Soros flies down and punches Alancha in the chest hard which sends him breaking through about fifty feet into the ground.
Alancha flies up and punches soros in the jaw hard launching him into the sky "Phoenix Bullet!!!!" Alancha yells as fire forms a large Phoenix that fires into the sky shooting through soros chest.
Soros falls to the ground holding his chest as a small hole had formed in his chest "damn it I can't be beaten by a kid!!" Soros yelled standing up breathing heavily.

Legend pulls out his daggers as he throws them around the battlefield "cmon show me your all!!" Indus yelled "lightning flash thunder dome!!" Legend yells as he teleports to each of the daggers firing a bunch of lightning blasts out that all start to form a dome "your in my air space now make one move and you'll be shocked to a crisp!" Legend yells "oh really?" Indus yelled as he moved one step forward as the dome sends out a bunch of lightning bolts that shock Indus but it doesn't damage him "lightning nor thunder works on me" Indus laughed out "fine I'll use my
Death powers!" Legend yells as deaths cloak appears on legend "I am the reaper of death!!" Legend yells as he flies to Indus "DARKNESS CANNON!!" Legend yells firing a large blast of darkness at Indus that ignited a large explosion forming a smoke cloud over Kattegat.

Alancha walks over to soros "well too late" Alancha raises his hand and fires a large blast of fire that turns soros into ash "this kid has beat your ass" Alancha said.

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