Episode 34: overcoming time

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Derrick puts more power into his hands forming huge balls of dark matter "THIS IS MY FORBIDDEN DARK MATTER CANNON!!" Derrick yells firing the balls towards loric but loric stays still as the two balls crash into him causing two explosions, the impact of the explosion caused the wind to pick up blowing
Buildings down derricks right arm went completely limp not able to move it as he was breathing heavily.

Josh teleports behind bloodshed and punches him in the face hard causing him to fly down to the ground josh forms a ball of light into his hands "light cannon!" Josh yells firing the balls at bloodshed but he pauses time and flies over behind josh holding the balls of light then unpaused time as the two balls explode throwing josh into the ground but he lands on his feet "damn it!!" Josh yelled "you can't beat my powers!!" Bloodshed said growing out dragon wings from using joshs powers "now I'm going all out!! Bloodshed yelled, "fine me too!" Josh said as light covers his fists as josh flies up to bloodshed "DRAGON FIST!!" Josh yells but bloodshed freezes time again and smirks but josh breaks through the time being froze as he punches bloodshed hard in the chest punching a hole in his chest "h-how! How did you break through!!" Bloodshed yelled "never underestimate a dragon knight" josh said once the time was unpaused Derrick looks over at josh "what how did he manage to overpower the time stopping" Derrick questioned it bloodshed's body falls to the ground as josh teleports to Derrick "no more going one on one this one is way too powerful to do it" josh said "I don't need your help damnit!!" Derrick yelled "yea you do you used a forbidden attack and destroyed your arm this isn't a challenge this time, this is the fate of the entire world we are dealing with so suck up your pride and let me help" josh demanded "fine" Derrick said as josh sets his hand on Derrick as his arm suddenly healed "now let's show him our true powers" josh powers down to his base form Derrick nods as josh powers up to his full dragon form but his hair turns into fire spiking up as his skin turns into red scales as well as wings made of fire grows out "WITH OUR NEW AND OLD POWERS!!" Josh yelled "ALRIGHT" derrick powers up fully with both the dark matter power and yins dark power "NOW HERE WE COME!!!" Josh and Derrick yelled in sync as they both fly towards loric side by side

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