Episode twenty-two: stopping a civil war

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"I'll go meet with this asshole and set him straight" josh said "what makes you think you can get passed his army" lagertha asked "cause I am no normal person anymore, I'm a dragon knight and I've fought stronger assholes then him and his army" josh said and walked out of the long house.


"Final round is Derrick against Calvin" Victor said as Derrick smirks "this will be easy" Derrick said "oh yea? Then bring it" Calvin said , they both fly to each other punching each other fists with the same amount of power and strength"going all out!" Derrick powers up into his partial dragon form "that still won't get me" Calvin yelled as Derrick flies to him and punches him hard.


Josh lands infront of the army of Vikings "I'm gonna tell you this once, leave Kattegat alone or I hurt you" josh said "look who has returned, your still banished so I don't have to listen to you, especially if you couldn't ever harm a fly" the man said and stood up "Harold don't test me" josh said "oh? What are you gonna do about it?" Harold asked as josh powers up into his partial dragon form as fire covers his body "bring it" josh said as the army starts charging at josh but josh blasts them all away with his weakest attack, Harold stands shocked and scared "alright alright we will" he said as he retreated.


Derrick and Calvin were still clashing in their battle, both equally matched with another they both end up stopping out of breath "damn it...just roll over and lose" Derrick yells flying over punching him hard knocking him out of the ring.


RJ Derrick and sky make it to verondal as RJ gets stopped by zero "the prison was attacked and Leon and locke are missing" zero said "what how? Who?" RJ asked panicked "the dragon twins freed them, the entire location is under lava" zero said as RJ powers up to his partial dragon form and flies off fast.

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