Episode 69: team up agaisnt derrick and sky

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"I'll take Derrick you take sky" josh said as he flies to Derrick and goes to punch him but Derrick jumps out of the way and punches josh hard on the cheek causing josh to fly to the right crashing into a tree, josh stands up and forms a ball of fire and flies to Derrick and slams it in his chest causing the ball to explode.

Derrick smirks and grabs josh and slams him agaisnt the ground igniting an explosions under josh josh manages to throw a dagger into the sky and teleports to it and grabs onto it josh then forms a giant ball above his hand and throws it down to Derrick "SUPER NOVA" josh yelled.
Derrick turns around and raises his hands stopping the ball from hitting him Derrick clenched his fists hard causing the ball to vanish.

RJ flies to sky and punches him hard but sky grabs RJ and punches him in the face causing him to fly back RJ uses his lighting to stop him as he raises his hands "FORBIDDEN LIGHTNING DRAGON CANNON!" RJ yells sending a huge blast towards sky as it hits sky causing it to explode and throw him back onto the ground.

Josh flies to Derrick and punches him hard igniting an explosion behind his head which causes Derrick to crash into the ground "this time I'm gonna make sure you die!!" Josh yells forming two huge balls of fire and lighting in his hands "JOSH DONT!" RJ yelled as the power of the balls of combined elements started taring joshs arms up "you'll lose your arms Damn it don't! That particular spell is the most forbidden of all it won't just destroy your arms it'll kill you and everyone around the explosion!!" RJ yelled as josh didn't listen "lighting fire mega cannon!" Josh yells sending the two blasts down which they both explode creating a huge explosion covering the entire mountain.

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