Episode 26: The Dragon fist amd attack on the temple

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"Now let's see you do it Derrick" zero said as Derrick takes a deep breath as he closes his eyes as dark matter covers his fist "yes keep doing that but more power" zero said as Derrick was still gathering a lot of power eventually his dark matter forms a dragons head around his fist "there you go now release" zero added as Derrick flies over to the training dummy and punches it hard "Dragon fist!!" Derrick yells as the dummy turns into dust from the punch as josh walks over "my turn!" Josh said gathering a bunch of energy as his fist gets covered in fire but wasn't enough energy "more" zero said watching josh as josh tried to gather more energy "come on why can't I gather more" josh said to himself eventually forming a dragons head out of the fire as he flies to the other dummy and punches it hard "dragon fist" josh yelled but the dummy didn't take any damage "damn it" josh said slightly out of breath "it'll take a bit to get use to" zero said "but Derrick learned it fast" josh said standing up "cause I'm not weak like you me I'm strong" Derrick said and laughed out in a teasing way "stop teasing me!" Josh yelled as they butt Heads "oh yea?? Weakling!! What are you gonna do about it?" Derrick laughed out "kick your ass!" Josh yelled "as if you can touch me" Derrick laughed out suddenly bloodshed appears and blasts the two cussing them to fly back.

Bloodshed lands and walks to josh and grips his throat lifting him up "time to give me your powers boy" bloodshed said as Derrick gets up "let him go!" Derrick yelled blasting bloodshed with his dark matter but doesn't effect him as josh felt his powers leaving his body "no...you don't!" Josh yells trying to power up but is unable to, bloodshed fully absorbed all of joshs powers leaving josh completely powerless, once bloodshed was done he threw josh onto the ground leaving him unconscious, a bunch of verondal guards run in "stop right there!" The guards yelled "looks like you'll have to wait" bloodshed said and vanished.


"Josh is in the medical wing he's out cold he'll be like that for days since he lost his powers, but it's all up to you two now" zero said looking at Derrick and sky "you two have to stop them before they can unleash the world destroyer" zero stated "that is your mission now go" zero added as Derrick and sky disappear.

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