Chapter 13

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10th day of #20daysofMagcon_is_bae7
You know I kinda like updating everyday, maybe I can make this an everyday thing during the summer?
In this chapter I do a #AskCali and when I'm answering them I'm actually answering them so this is kinda like a #AskMolly, should I do one of those?
Cali's POV

We got back to Bangor Maine and went back into the hotel

"Ok it's 2 in the morning so we should all go to sleep then we can go shopping or something tomorrow then Thursday and Friday is the event in Bangor then Saturday and Sunday we have another event in Portland then we will go to the next state" I said and everyone nodded and went to their rooms

I laid down in my bed and instantly fell asleep

*the next morning*

The next morning I felt extremely better

I got up and took a shower and changed my clothes and did my makeup

"I feel good today" I said to myself and looked at myself in the mirror

I took a picture and posted it on twitter and asked everyone to ask me questions using the hashtag #askcali

At this point everyone was up and getting ready

"Ok first we are going to the mall then we are coming back and we can chill but I'm doing something and I don't really want anyone to bother me but you guys can do whatever you want but don't get drunk and don't have sex but if you do use protection" I said and at the end everyone laughed but I was being serious, I don't want any pregnant sluts hopping around

We all went out to the lobby and then to the parking lot and got in the limo

"Hey everyone! Right now we are in the limo on our way to the mall" someone said and I said Twamiz vlogging we all waved an said hi

We all passed around the camera and said something

"I freaking love pretty little lairs" I said then passed the camera and everyone laughed at me

"Even tho the same thing is basically happening to me" I mumbled but I don't think anyone heard me

We got to the mall and we all ran inside

"Ok I want some new tennis shoes and new socks and some new spandex and sports bras" I said because we are currently standing in dicks sporting goods

"Same" Sapphire said and we both walked to the women's section

We both stood in awe looking at all the new spandex and sports bras

"OMG" sapphire said and I laughed

Sapphire isn't too girly unless it comes to something that could involve buying cheer clothes, if that makes since

We both got a pair of every pair of spandex and sport bra

Then we went to the shoe section and we saw shoes with rhinestones on the nike swoosh

"Ok yeah we are getting those" I said and we both got our size then we got just plain black Nike socks and plain white nike socks

We went and checked out and it was like 300 dollars each

"Good thing we both have enough money for this" I said and we both laughed

But it actually was only $150 because we bought so much they gave us 50 precent off, and Sapphire flirted with the cashier ;)

We found the boys and they all had wide eyes

"Did you get enough stuff?" Grayson asked

"No" we said at the same time then laughed

We went out into the main part of the mall and went into Aeropostale

Everything Has Changed (second book of My Twin)Where stories live. Discover now