Chapter 36

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Hayes' POV

After the doctor started to walk away he turned back around and looked at us "I want family members only until tomorrow morning" he said and I nodded and he walked away

"So what we can't see her until tomorrow?!?" Dylan S asked "well duh. Did you not just hear what he said?!" Matt snapped at him

This is just what we needed. You know just two idiots fighting for no reason. "Can I please go see her?" Holland pleaded but Nash sighed "I'm sorry you can't, I think it's dumb that you guys can't see her because it's only a concussion but I have to follow the doctors rules" he said

I got up and started walking down the hall and finally saw Cali's room "hey bug" I said and she smiled "are you ok?" I asked and she giggled weakly "does it look like I'm ok?" She asked still laughing and I chuckled "sorry just had to ask" I said smirking while she nodded

"So what happen?" I asked sitting down next to her "well I went in the kitchen and I heard the front door open and I thought it was you so I walked in there and three guys were in there and yeah you basically know what happened after that" she said

"Well that's interesting" I said and Cali seemed to be ok, normally she would have been scared to death after something like this but it didn't seem to faze her

"But how are you mentally?" I asked starting to get more curious "fine? Hayes you know when I'm not ok" she said

"I know but I'm just making sure" i said
I should have left with her, I shouldn't have left her alone, I shouldn't have done a lot of things. "Hayes I can take care of myself!" She said and started to get up

I gave her some shorts and a Tshirt. She went in the bathroom and changed and came back out and walked out of the room. Someone seems a little moody today.

Cali's POV

I walked out into the waiting room and was greeted by lots of hugs. "I'm never leaving you alone again." Nash said and I laughed

"I can take care of myself" I said "the last person I knew that said that was killed" Tyler P mumbled while I rolled my eyes

I'm not going to get killed and I'm not going to get hurt again! I don't know why they don't get that. I can take care of myself, I am 17 years old, almost an adult! I don't need everyone treating me like a baby!

"Why don't you go home and get ready and you me and sapphire can go shopping today?" Holland said and sapphire and I agreed and we all went out to our cars

"We need to talk at some point" dylan s whispered in my ear and I nodded. He's either mad about something or he's breaking up with me. There is no reason he should be mad at me so maybe he's breaking up with me?

Ew this was boring and short

Everything Has Changed (second book of My Twin)Where stories live. Discover now