Chapter 19

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17th day!!

Cali's POV

I went into my room and took a really fast shower and got out and dried and straitened my hair

I did my makeup and put on the necklace that Matt gave me and then I put on my moms diamond earrings

I walked out of my bathroom to see Hayes still sitting on my bed

"Were you sitting there the whole time?" I asked

"Yeah, I didn't want to go down there without you and the guys told me I had to wait until it was ok for me to go down" he said

"So did you ever think that if you didn't send everyone home this week we wouldn't have been able to spend our birthday together?" He asked

"Yeah I thought about it went I was on the plane, like I was happy because I could come home for my birthday but the whole family isn't here" I said

"Yeah I know, it's the first birthday without mom" he said and I hugged him

I know he was always kind of a mommy's boy and it makes him sad that she's not here

"I'm sorry" I whispered to him

"It's going to be ok" he said and looked at me with tears in his eyes, I know I did to, and I nodded then someone knocked on the door and walked in

It's Nash

"I wasn't listen or anything" he said and we laughed and he came over and hugged us

"I know it's hard guys but you know everything happens for a reason" he said

"We are going to get through this together" He said then Cam came in

"Come on" he said and we stood up and walked down stairs to see almost 200 maybe 300 people

They all started cheering when they saw us and then music started playing and I saw Mahogany DJing

I went up to her and hugged her and we talked for a couple minutes then I said hi to other people

Maggie and Sapphire came up to me and each of them grabbed one of my hands and pulled into a quite room

"What's wrong? Oh my gosh Sapphire what happened?" I asked and they both looked worried, sapphire had a huge red mark on her cheek

"Um please don't get mad" Sapphire said

"just tell me" I said

"It's Matt" Maggie said

"What? What's wrong with him? Is he ok?" I asked

"Uh he's fine but I walked accidental walked into Nash's room because I haven't been here for that long and I was looking for the bathroom but I walked into Nash's room and I saw Matt hooking up with another girl and he looked up and saw me and tried begging me not to tell you and I said I was going to tell you no matter what and then he hit me" sapphire said and I gasp

"Sapphire I'm so sorry" I said hugging her

"Don't be sorry, I feel bad for you" she said and then I felt the tears rolling down my face

"It's my birthday I don't want to stand in here and be sad" I said walking out the door with Maggie and Sapphire followed me

I went into the kitchen and I got some water

"Do you want some ice?" I asked sapphire

"No I'm fine" she said

"Did you tell Grayson?" I asked her and she said no

"I think you guys should tell the guys" Maggie said

"Tell us what?" Carter asked

"I'll tell them after, I don't want to ruin anyone's night" I said walking out

I saw Hayes you know acting like Hayes and being crazy

I walked up to him an he stopped talking and looked at me

"Whats wrong?" He asked

"Nothing" I said laughing

"Why would something be wrong?" I asked

"Your eyes are glossy and your face is red and puffy like you were crying" he said

"Oh happy tears?" I said more like I question

"Lair" he said

"Ok fine, I'm still a little sad about mom" I lied and he looked at me with a questioned look but left it alone

"Ok I don't believe you but we are talking about this after the party" he said and I nodded and walked away

Get I'm going to be investigated after the party because I know he is going to tell Nash and Nash is going to tell Cam and Cam is going to tell Taylor and so on

*2 hours later*

The party finally ended and the only people that were here were me and the guys, plus Sapphire and Maggie

I didn't see Matt all night long, thank gosh

I was cleaning up the living room and all the guys were looking at me

"Can I help you?" I asked

"What happen tonight?" Nash asked

Great, here we go

"Nothing" I said

"None of us have seen Matt all nigh long" Jack J said

"Why don't you go look in Nash's room" I said and I looked up and tears were filling my eyes and rolling down my cheeks

Hayes ran up stairs first with all the guys following

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!" Hayes yelled and I started crying harder

I felt someone arms wrap around me and I looked up and saw Shawn

He gave me a soft smile and I put my head back down into his chest

I heard more yelling

I finally got out of Shawn's arms and ran upstairs

"BITCH I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL HER!!" Matt yelled at sapphire and he came up to her and punched her in the face

Grayson instantly tackled Matt to the ground and punched him multiple times

"Get out of this house" Grayson said and Matt just got up without a care in the world and pushed me to the ground and walked out......

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