Chapter 22

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19th day!!

Cali's POV

After we were done we decided to just lay out and tan

"Shawn what do you think life will be like after we are all done touring?" I asked and he shrugged

"I'm not sure but I know I want to spend time with you" he said

"Shawn do you think Matt will cause problems during the tour?" I asked

"Yeah I think he will try and make you feel bad about yourself because he's mad at you but just remember everything he says is not true at all and just know that you can always call me" he said

I realized that Matt will take his like bimbo on tour with us but I mean I don't really has a problem with it because she's just making a dumb decision and she's going to get screwed over

Yes I feel bad for her but if she's a bitch to me I won't

I turned my head and saw Shawn starring at me

"I was looking at my tour dates and we stop in the same places at the same time" he said

"Ooooo yay we could all meet up" I said

"We should probably get back now because it's 3 and I think Nash and Hayes want to spend time with you" he said and we got up and I put my clothes back on over my swimsuit and we walked to the car

When we got home all the guys were running around with nerf guns

"What are y'all doing?" I asked laughing

"Um we have in the middle of a war" Taylor said and the little nerf thingys started to fly across the room

"SHAWN IS ON THE RED TEAM!!" Someone yelled and he ran over to everyone in red and I ran over to everyone in blue

Hayes, Cam, Taylor, Jack G, Carter and Maggie were on my team

And Aaron, Jack J Shawn, Nash and Sapphire were on the other

I was handed a gun the everyone started yelling

*after our war*

After we were done everyone augured who won

Haha just saying we won

"Guys it's already 5" Cam said

"IM HUNGRY!!" sapphire yelled and we all got up and went to eat

"Everyone who is leaving tonight being your bags because right after we are done we are taking you guys to the airport" Nash said and we all walked up and got our bags

"I can't believe we aren't coming back until next June" Sapphire said

"I know but we are going to stop somewhere near your hometown so you can always go and visit instead of staying in a hotel" I said and she nodded

*skipping dinner because not much is gonna happen*

We got to the airport and the guys stayed and waited for our flights to be call

"Cali I don't want you to leave" Hayes said

"Just come with me" I said

"I can't and you know that"

"You can tell Nash that you don't want to stay here" I said

"And you know I can't do that either" he said then my flight was called

I hugged Hayes and kissed his cheek then hugged the rest of the guys

"Don't let him bother you" Nash said and I knew he was talking about Matt

He let go and I turned around and already saw Matt walking towards the gate

"I'll see y'all next year" I said with tears in my eyes

I walked to the gate with sapphire and then we got on the plane....

(A/N I'm making this one short because I want tomorrow's chapter to be long because it's the last day of my #20daysofMagcon_is_bae7 )

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