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Cough. Splat.

It has been another month or two, and my condition has only gotten worse. Days pass by like years, and I feel as though I might go crazy.

At least I'm still able to talk to Zach. He's the only one keeping me going.

Looking into my hand, I see the blood I just coughed up. Sigh. "I'm going to die from blood loss before this stupid illness kills me first."

After muttering about my dissatisfaction, I turn my gaze away from my almost black blood. Looking to my side, I see Zach. Zachary is in the same position as he always is, but his facial expressions show that he is both not amused by my remark, and very worried.

Looking into his deep green eyes, I admire how his can swirl with so many lively emotions. Turning away from his gem-like eyes, I look into the huge mirror across from me. Many things have changed.

My eye bags have gotten darker, my hair is very noticeably longer, and I look too small for a 4 year old. At least my eyes stay the same. They look dead, with no lively light and emotions swirling through them.

Because of my lack of emotions, they look a lot darker than they should. With my grayish blue looking almost completely gray, and my brown half having almost no hazel in the color at all. Although, sometimes I can see a brighter blue appear in the gray depths of my eyes.

After evaluating my appearance, I turn back to the worried looking Zachary. Seriously, he shouldn't be so worried. Even with all of my mummy looking characteristics, I am surprisingly still somewhat cute looking.

"Why do you look so down brother, how can this adorable, but almost dead, little brother helps you?" After dramatically bowing towards him, I look up to see a contradicted expression.

He looks amused and unamused, happy and sad, and completely caught off guard by my words. Probably because of my sarcastic remark.

He chuckles a little before leaving a small frown on his face. "That's cute, but don't say you're 'going to die' Azalea, I will never allow that to happen." After finishing his speech about "never letting me die" I just give him a small smile. (A/N Azalea is Rhys's middle name)

"I appreciate your concerns, but we both understand my situation. Look I'm coughing up blood, and we know that my time here in this world is limited." After showing him my bloodied hand, I give him another solemn look.

I expected him to back off after conveying my feelings to him, but I just see his expression darken. Almost as if he was suppressing some dark emotions. Weird.

"Now now, don't say that. Ever. I said I won't allow you to die, so just believe my words. Do you have no hope in living. If that's what it is tell me what you want, or what you want to do. ANYTHING. Just please never say that you're going to die again. Please."

Ending his rant about my life, he grabs my shoulders and bends his head down. Now I can only feel his tight, but gentle, grip on my shoulders. He's shaking. I can only see the top and back of his head, but I can see his erratic shaking and twitching. His thick, curly dark brown hair is blocking his face.

It would be hard to differentiate if he was crying or angry, but knowing how much he cares about me, it's understandable that he would be sad.

My expression softened looking at his weak and small looking figure. Even though this child's height is well over the average six year old, it is endearing to know that he could show this small and weak frame of his.

I know he loves me, and I think I love him too, I decide to comply with his wishes.

I decide I'll stop joking about my health, at least out loud, and I'll try to become just a little healthier.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know my jokes were that uncaring of my own health. I'll try to be better for you. How about, instead of being confined to this room, we go on daily walks together. Of course, from my wheelchair, since I don't have any strength to walk on my own. What do you say?"

Zach lifts his head up, slightly loosening his hold on me. His face almost looks like it is shining. After staring into each other eyes for a moment, he sends me a bright smile.

"Of course! That would be perfect for the both of us! We can start tomorrow, how about that?"

"That sounds wonderful Zach, I look forward to tomorrow."

"Me too, Azalea."

Sorry that this was a short chapter. I just couldn't think of anything to write.

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