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One of the kids at the front of the line seemed excited to get his element.

It's been a couple weeks since I had that talk with my brother about school and elements, and here I am, being forced to attend the ceremony. Next thing you know I'll be in school, learning about things a "sick" person shouldn't stress about.

"Water!" "Earth!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Earth!"

The line kept getting shorter and shorter and before I knew it, it was my turn. Walking to the official of whatever this was, I slowly reach my hard to the glowing orb next to me.

After a couple of seconds of waiting, the glowing orb shines a bright, comforting light. It was cream colored, and I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

'Holy shit! Who would've thought I'd get this element' I thought. The official seemed surprised before shouting "light!".

It's kind of sarcastic. Me being sick and frail, and I get the element that should be able to heal people. Why can't I use it on myself? That's just unfair.

Walking down from the podium, I slowly walk down to wear my family is sitting.

My parents had warm gazes looking at me, while Zach had the brightest smile on his face. "Now I guess you can't skip going to school, right Azalea?" That cheeky bastard had a sly grin on his face! I can't believe this, my doting brother was enjoying my suffering right now. "Zach... I can't believe you are pleased with my suffering right now." I try to make him realize how much of a jerk he's being, but he just smiles even wider.

I can feel myself dying inside. I slump in my seat, and I can see Zach give me a loving smile. He must be so happy right now that his "precious brother" has to be forced to school. I just look back to the rest of the kids who are figuring out what their elements are.

There is going to be a rough life ahead of me.


Azalea is going to learn what his element is. I'm hoping he gets a rare element like darkness or light so that he has to go to the academy with me. Those two elements are rare, so whoever gets those elements are forced to learn, even if they don't want to.

It was finally his turn after those intolerant shits, who got in line before him, finished.

Azalea was cautiously walking to the glowing  orb, and he looked so cute! His shoulder length hair was tied in a low messy bun, with his prescription glasses lightly laying on the end of his nose. He was just glowing, and I could tell that others were looking at him in awe, which got under my skin. But, I ignored them as my attention was focused on my favorite person.

"Light!" The official called out after a cream colored light shot out of the glowing orb. 'Yes!!! Now he has to be with me for years to come!' I thought as Azalea slowly made his way back to me, and I guess the other members of our family.

"Now I guess you can't skip going to school, right Azalea?" I slyly said. He can't get away from me now that he has the light element. After these years, I can confidently say that even with Azalea's sick body, he can live a mostly normal life with my help.

Now, he can stay by my side forever! And once we both finish school, we can live together in the mansion without being disturbed. This is perfect since we won't be separated, but we'll both end up together.

"Zach... I can't believe you are pleased with my suffering right now." Azalea said to me with an almost tearful look. I did feel bad about him going to school, when he hates doing... everything, but there are sacrifices that have to be made.

I just give Azalea a true smile before he looks back to the podium.

There is going to be an amazing life ahead of me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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