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Haaa. Haaa. I feel my heart beating out of my chest. My hand is shaking, but I manage to calm down.

Lately bad dreams from my past life keep reappearing, but I think I'm emotionally fine. I've grown a lot as a person both physically and mentally.

It's been 3 year since I've gone on my first walk, and it's become a regular thing. Sally, and the 3 others have now been integrated into my squad of "helpers". One of the two maid's name is Alice. Alice has long dark red hair, with light brown eyes. While the other maid's name is Alexis. Alexis, the twin of Alice has the same eyes, but short dark red hair. Finally, the bulky knight's name is Keith.

Looking out the window I see the gorgeous sunlight beaming on the plants I take care of. I've taken it upon myself to tend the back garden. Smiling to myself, i hear a knock on the door. "Come in," i say. Slowly, Sally walks in with Alice and Alexis behind her. "Young master it is now time for your walk. Please allow us to help you get dressed." I nod as I stand up.

Yes, you heard me correctly, I said stand up. Over the years, I have been walking a little more every single day. Now I can walk for an hour straight without assistance.

While reminiscing on my accomplishments, Sally finished getting me ready. I always dislike being put in stuffy clothing, so I wore a loose blouse that tucked into my shorts and flared slightly at the bottom of the sleeves. My shorts were a light brown, and I wore slippers. Finishing the look with a sheer white shawl, I walked out of the room.

With my entourage of 4, after Keith joined, i leisurely walked toward my garden.

"AZALEAAAAAAA!!!" A voice yelled from behind. Turning around I saw Zach running towards me at full speed.

Turning around I see my nine year old brother getting closer and closer. He was trying to catch up to us, so before I went through the doors to the garden, I waited for him to catch up.

When he finally reached us, he leaned over, and started to catch his breathe. It must take a lot of air to run like a mad man.

Standing up straight, my brother coughed into his hand, and quietly mumbled something along the lines of, "what are we waiting for".

I stared at him with a blank face for a moment before continuing our interrupted walk to the garden.

Once there I sat down on the picnic blanket that Keith laid out for me and my brother. We always ate breakfast together underneath the large center tree.

After eating a biscuit or two, I hear Zach clear his throat. Looking up, I see him looking at me with excitement.

"Are you excited to finally find out what your elements are?!" He exclaimed with a lot of excitement. I look at him like he just asked the stupidest question ever.

Although I am curious as to what the originally dead character's elements are, I didn't want him to see me embarrass myself when I find out what they truly are.

Now that I'm seven, I have to go to the academy, and find out which element I am. I never really studied what the history or... anything in this world because one life of school was already enough. Besides, whenever tutors did come over I would usually wow them. So, it wasn't really needed.

After someone finds out what their elements are, they usually go to a school for younger kids to learn about how to use their power, and basic stuff like math, english, history, blah blah blah.

However, since I'm the son of a high ranking noble, I could just have a tutor come to me because 1. I was too lazy to leave this house, and 2. I'm "sick" and "weak".

I continued eating my biscuits after shutting down my brother's imagination, and continue thinking about what powers I would get. Zach got the element earth. He will be more powerful than others because of his mana and understanding of the element.

Unlike other novels I read, this world's power system is a lot simpler than others.

Instead of having a million different powers, there were 6 main elements. Earth, fire, water, air, light, and darkness. That's it. No weird shit like "dragon's thunder" or whatever. Like if you have the fire element then just create your own thunder.

Anyways, most elements usually correspond with the person's character or characteristics. So, I am curious to what I am like.

Looking up from my biscuits, I decided to ask my brother. "Hey Zach, what element do you think I am most like?"

After having a shocked look, he decided to think really hard about it. Finally, after taking an awfully long time, he responded confidently with, "oh... if I would have to pick, you would 100 percent have the element.."


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