Rules for the Story

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1. A writer is allowed to black any text she chooses aside from the exceptions stated in Clause 2
2. A writer is not allowed to black character names or physical descriptions
a. Amendment: a writer may not block significant world-building details such as but not limited to "The nearest body of water is 50 miles away"
3. The document is shared in order of writing
4. When "The End" is written, the round-robin writing has come to an end and all writers will review the story
a. Amendment: "The End" cannot be written prior to October 31, 2020.
5. Order: sinsrfun10 → Calenlas → Laicolasse *When you complete your turn, add a comment addressed to the next person (that is their signal to begin writing)
a. Amendment: Send a text or verbally tell the next writer when it is her turn
6. The first writer to begin writing on a new day must date the document at the location where she begins writing after inserting a page break.

Round Robin October 2020Where stories live. Discover now