19 October 2020

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Samantha was freaking out. They were in an alternate dimension. THEY WERE IN AN ALTERNATE DIMENSION! WHY AREN'T THE PROFESSORS FREAKING OUT?!

Then Samantha heard them. She heard the two people inside the house. They were talking, almost yelling about ethical experimentation. The woman was loudly telling the man off about messing with her experiments and the man kept retorting back about how "her experiments weren't going anywhere useful anyway." Samantha saw both of her professors flinch on that line though.

Samantha carefully peeled Professor Xoi's hand off her face. "I think they are yelling at each other too much to realize we are here. Who are they and why did we have to leave a nice beautiful bed behind?"

"They're us," Professor Dlaun muttered. "They're us, but different. That Emilia is a biologist, I think. The yelling about monkey experiments shows that to us. We don't know what specialty AD Greg has, but it is still probably Bio based on their argument."

"AD?" Samantha inquired.

"Alternate Dimension."

"Oh." Samantha looked around at their environment. "What should we do now? Should we find me?"

"Maybe." Professor Dlaun replied. "It would be useful to know where AD Samantha is so we can avoid her, but we might also want to avoid looking and just take emergency measures if it comes up."

Professor Xoi nodded. "True, it's a difficult decision. Either way, we need to get away from here." He signaled their immediate vicinity which was along a street with cars passing by every so often. Thankfully, none had passed by when the three climbed out of the window.

Samantha took in their surroundings and then froze when her eyes set on the street sign. "Uh, we may 'ave a problem here." She stated. "My cousin lives on this street - at least if this dimension is the same as ours." She paused. "And we don't get along."

"Sammy!" A rotund man with what could only be described as a beer belly came around the corner walking a tiny white fluff ball of a dog on a hot pink leash just as Samantha finished speaking. "I'm glad I ran into you!"

Samantha tensed and prepared to run. She was confused about Mason's cheerful tone, as she had only ever heard him yelling at her even at formal social gatherings, and the fluff ball was nothing like the enormous pit bull Gobber he normally had with him, but maybe this was just a new tactic.

"I forgot to give ya somethin'" he reached into his pocket as he stepped forward. Samantha was grateful when her two professors stepped between her and Mason.

"Can it wait for another time?" Professor Xoi inquired. "We were having an important discussion."

"Oh, yeah sure." Mason looked a bit awkward. "'s long as Sammy's not worried 'bout it right now. I forgot ta give her my half a the rent before she left for school."

Samantha couldn't believe her ears. Mason had never given her money, ever. The very short period of time that she had lived with him, he had made her pay the entire rent as well as cover the expense of groceries and his beer.

Round Robin October 2020Where stories live. Discover now