14-16 October 2020

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14 October 2020

As Samantha left the room, Greg and Emilia continued talking about why he thought it was a great idea to push a button marked "Do NOT Push."

15 October 2020

16 October 2020

After some time and a fair bit of back and forth, Emilia and Greg had come to the conclusion that they were both at fault - Greg for pushing the button without first discussing it with Emilia and Emilia for not talking to Greg before it came to that point when she was so stressed out - and both not at fault: neither could have predicted this.

They had also determined that the first order of business was to determine if they were actually back. There was, in their opinions, a high probability that - if they had been sent to an alternate dimension as had happened to Dr. Lenox - they could not force the mark to send them back without completing their "task" - whatever it may be, especially considering that Emilia still had the mark. But, they wouldn't tell Samantha until they were sure this was actually a different dimension. The possibility seemed to shake her up quite a bit, and it was important for all of them to be as calm as possible.

Round Robin October 2020Where stories live. Discover now