11 October 2020

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When Professor Xoi told her his idea to forage for nuts or hunt small game, Samantha almost laughed until she saw the earnest look on his face.

"I don't mean to burst ya bubble professor, but it's winter. Any small game around will be hibernatin' and those trees out there," Samantha emphasized pointing up and around. "Those are not nut-producin' trees. They produce pine cones which'll be handy in a pinch, but not nuts. Frankly, I'm more afraid of the hibernatin' animals to be honest."

Professor Xoi sighed. "Of course." He glanced at Professor Dlaun who was currently napping. "Do you. Have any ideas that don't require...that?"

Samantha thought for a moment. "Sorry to say it, but nope. I don't like usin' that mark thingy, but we ain't got what we need ta live more 'n a day or two 'ere."

Professor Xoi sighed again. "Well, to be honest, I was expecting that answer. Still... it's my fault we're here, yet she's the one who..." He clenched his fists, clearly frustrated.

"Ya know," Samantha said, "I've been hearin' ya say 'it's my fault' for some time now. Think ya might wanna finally clue me in on what dragged me - us - inta this mess? All I know is somethin' happened in the lab, it has somethin' ta do wit the geezer who had the lab b'fore Prof Dlaun, and it's apparently your fault."

Professor Xoi was silent for a moment. "It's a bit of a long story."

For the next hour or so while Professor Dlaun was still sleeping, Professor Xoi told Samantha the most Sci-fi sounding story she had ever heard that she couldn't do anything but believe after the past several days. The story had some gaps - especially relating to what the Dr. Lenox guy who used to own the lab knew. Apparently, Professor Dlaun had talked to him in the hospital once just before she took over the lab and came away from the meeting saying the old man was delirious.

When Professor Dlaun started moaning and scrunching her face up like she was having a nightmare, Professor Xoi immediately went to her and talked gently to her sleeping form. Samantha heard him call her "Em" again. Samantha would have taken the opportunity to make herself scarce if it weren't ultra-freezing, frost forming on hot pink buck knife cold outside.

Honestly, she had guessed a long time ago that Professor Dlaun had a boyfriend. Samantha had overheard her on the phone planning an outing that sounded suspiciously like a date a few times. After meeting Professor Xoi and seeing how he and Professor Dlaun acted together, she just knew. Even with Professor Dlaun's missing memory, she still reacted to Professor Xoi in little ways - like now. As Professor Xoi talked to her, the creases in her forehead eased, and her moaning stopped. Peaceful sleep.

"Sooo... how long have you been datin'?" Samantha asked when Professor Xoi finished soothing Professor Dlaun.

He looked startled. "Um-uh. We aren't dating. We are really good friends," he stammered out. "Why does everyone think we're dating?" He muttered.

"'Cause you obviously care deeply for one another and she was the downfall of your last relationship," Samantha told him matter of factly.

"Emilia was not the downfall of my last relationship. My last relationship failed because she thought she could poach hours in the bio lab from me."

"Um, I meant the screamin' end relationship in the quad. Everyone knows that story. It's a legend on campus."

The startled look came back to Professor Xoi's face. "Everyone blames Emilia for that?"

Samantha nodded.

"Shit. Sorry, shouldn't curse around students. But, crap. I was the reason that relationship failed. I refused to give up a decade-long friendship because of a woman that wanted to be my sole focus. Science is my sole focus and Emilia gets that because she's the same way." Professor Xoi sat back on his heels. "So everyone blames Emilia and not science for my relationships failing?"

Round Robin October 2020Where stories live. Discover now