Chapter 15

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Persephone's POV:

I rush to my room and quickly close my door. Giving myself some privacy. I breath deeply and try to calm myself down.

This whole unannounced visitation from my mother, really caught me off guard. Also what is with her and all these interrogating questions?  She wasn't acting her usual self. Mother was quite jumpy and more demanding.

Does she know something that I don't? Does she know about Hades and she's pretending she doesn't know anything? Mother was asking me if I was focusing on my lessons and studies.

I start to have a mini panic attack and start to walk back and forth in my room. Thinking of any possibility of her knowing.

"She wouldn't be pretending at all if she knew. Knowing Mother she would already be dragging me back home if she did know." I say out loud.

"Yah. It's impossible that she knows. Unless..." I stop at my tracks and my eyes grows wide. "Unless Hera said something to her and it slipped out."

I shake my head. "No. Hera would know better. Plus mother and Hera rarely see each other because they hate each other."

Just as I was racking my brain in the worst scenarios ever, someone knocks on my bedroom door. Causing to me to stop my tracks.

"Who is it?" I say out loud.

"Persephone it's me, Aphrodite. Is everything okay in there?" She yells through the other side of the door.

"O-Of course. I'm fine. What makes you think I'm not?" I stutter a little.

"Can I open this door so we can talk face to face? It's ridiculous talking to each other like this." Aphrodite asks me.

I try to calm myself down and straighten myself out. Slowly, I walk to my door and open it.
Right in front of me was a concerned Aphrodite.

"I just want to make sure everything is okay with you. Just when your mother left, I went to look for you in the kitchen and saw that you were gone. Plus as I reached your bedroom door, I heard you mumbling things out loud ." The goddess tells me

Great. I really need to stay quiet. I hope she didn't hear anything I said.

"Your silence tells me everything, Persephone. I know what's going on." She says to me as she puts her right hand in my shoulder.

My eyes turns wide. "Y-You do?"

"Of course I do. We're best friends. I know you by now Persephone. You don't need to hide it. I truly understand why you've been acting so tense lately." Aphrodite tells me as she gently grabs my hand.

I start to feel nervous. She knows. She knows everything. How does she know? I hold my breath, waiting for her to yell at me but it never comes. Instead looks of pity was shown.

"I know everything is too much to bear with your mother at times. I can see it with your body language when your mother was planning out your whole future . But I want to let you know that I'm always here for you,Persephone. I know that I sound like a broken record since I always tell you this. It's just that I don't want you to think that your alone and for you to think this whole situation is hopeless. We're like sisters Persephone. We can get through this and I'm always by your side every step of the way." The goddess thinks that she's soothing my sorrows, but she's wrong.

Instead another form of hurt was filling up my body. It was the form of guilt and regret. This wonderful goddess has always been by my side and showed me kindness. She didn't deserve lies from me and also deceit.

As much as I want to tell her everything; me not wanting to go back to my mother, wanting to feel normal for just once in my life and ...Hades. I just couldn't come to terms to tell her. It's as if my tongue was cut off and couldn't form words.

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