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Once we were on the shuttle transporting us to the Von Doom Space Station, my stomach was doing jumping jacks. I had no problem getting on a normal airplane but for some reason, I kept gasping in and out like I was running out of air. Probably from the fact I was on a once-in-a-lifetime mission. The medical specialists suggested that I take a couple of tablets before boarding the shuttle to calm me down. I didn't have motion sickness though to the medics it appeared I was experiencing a panic attack. I assured them I was fine.

"E.T.A. until the cosmic event, nine hours," Victor told us once we all arrived at the station.

Ben who was carrying the equipment with Johnny checked to make sure I was alright. I gave him the okay sign telling him that I was swell.

"If you're good, maybe next time Daddy'll let you drive," Johnny mocked my brother.

"You keep talkin', and there won't be a next time," Ben muttered trying his hardest to not hit him.

I turned to the window, taking in the view of Earth before following Ben and Johnny. I wished all my friends could see this!

We all met in the center of the station and organized which equipment would be placed before proceeding.

"We can monitor the cloud's approach and observe the tests from here," Susan suggested.

"Is it safe?" Ben asked concerned about whether the space station would protect us from the oncoming storm.

"The shields on the station should protect us," Reed tried assuring my worried brother.


I tapped Ben's shoulder reminding him he didn't have to be anxious and that I was there if anything were to happen. My brother relaxed a bit on seeing me.

"What's the matter, Ben?" Victor taunted him as he approached us, "Getting paranoid in your old age?"

He ain't that old! I thought as I glared at the sociopath.

"Let's start loading those samples," Reed suggested, "Get your suit ready, Ben. Can you give him a hand, Ari?"

I nodded eager to get away from Victor's presence. I could tell Ben felt the same. My brother and I turned to head to the launch section.

"So I see you two are still doing all the heavy lifting," Victor called out to us.

That hit a nerve as Ben turned back. I followed him from behind.

"Maybe you should have stayed in the lab," Victor turned to Reed, "Fieldwork never suited you."

"He does the talkin'," Ben gestured at Reed and then at me while glaring at Victor, "She and I do the walkin'. Got it?"

"So, take a walk, Ben, Ariel," the narcissist countered and then continued, "Actually, if you'll all excuse me, I need to borrow Susan for a moment."

"Sure," Reed answered as Ben and I left the room.

I sighed in relief as my brother and I made a turn, "I thought we'd never get away from him."

Ben smiled at me and pulled me into a brotherly hug with one arm.

While Johnny assisted Ben in getting into his astronaut suit, I went through the samples, which were just a variety of flowers and other plants for my brother to carry out. I packed about four of each of the plants for him and ignored Johnny as he asked Ben if Reed was attempting to get back together with Susan. Yet again, I tried my hardest to not punch Johnny for being his usual sassy self at my brother.

When Ben was set and had the samples in hand, Johnny pressed a few buttons, and the airlock shut. He gave my brother a mock salute as the lock shut. I gave Ben an encouraging smile and thumbs up. He smiled back at me with a thumb up before turning to the portal, readying himself as it opened.

"Are you still mad about the whole closet thing?" Johnny asked just a few minutes after Ben was launched.

"What d'ya think?" I remarked still holding one of the samples that had a rose in it, "Thanks to you, I had to get a lock installed on my bedroom door."

"You know I was just fooling you."

"Yeah, Big Bro there really wanted to pummel you for that."

"He doesn't scare me not one bit."

"When he's extremely mad, you'd run!"

I could tell Johnny always liked me. But I didn't want to go any further upon seeing him with a different girl every time. He would have to earn my trust if he toned down on teasing Ben, and me. 

Suddenly, Reed ran in panicked, "Ben, you need to get inside now!"

"What's going on?" Johnny asked.

"I ain't done arrangin' your flowers yet, egghead," Ben replied through the communication system.

To my horror, as I looked out the airlock, the storm was getting dangerously close to us.

"Ben, turn around!" Reed demanded.

My brother turned and saw the cloud heading for him. I pressed the palm of my hand on the window.

"Guys, I'm not gonna make it," he responded.

"No! Benny!" I shook my head as the waterworks threatened to pout out.

"You gotta jump! It's the only way!" Johnny called out.

Ben managed to jump off the platform aiming back toward us. The storm was just right behind him. I gritted my teeth anxiously as it inched closer to my brother.

"Come on, Ben! You got this!" Johnny hollered.

Once again, my stomach started doing summersaults as Ben was nearing the portal.

"Ok Johnny, get ready to close the portal," Reed suggested as both of us.

I almost could relax once my brother got close to the portal. All of a sudden, the storm, hit Ben from behind, pushing him forward into the airlock, smashing him into the window. As Johnny shut the portal, Reed and I could only watch as Ben collapsed.

"Benny," I mumbled ready to cry for my big bro.

Suddenly, the cloud pushed through the portal and sent all of us engulfed in the red light. Through my screams, I could hear the others yelling in pain as the pulses from the storm repeatedly hit us.

I forgot about the sample I was holding as the glass shattered, the rose itself embedded into the left side of my body. I felt my right side turn ice cold and then blacked out.

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