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My mouth dropped wide open at Reed's newest piece of transportation.

"Holy crap!" Ben remarked as the flying vehicle came to a landing.

"Reed, this is by far the coolest thing you have ever done!" Johnny smiled at our nerdy friend and leader as we made our way toward it.

"So this is the secret project Cam was working on with ya," I nodded turning to Reed recalling the late nights Cameron worked with him in the lab.

Johnny laughed in excitement at the hover car stoked to try and drive it.

"Hemi?" he asked.

"Of course," Reed nodded and turned serious, "Okay, Ben, you get inside. Johnny, Ari, you both fly behind us."

"Ah, dude, you gotta let me fly this thing."

"Forget about it. I'm the best pilot here, I should drive," Ben argued.

Oh boy! Those guys are acting like a couple of little kids at a not-so-great time. I thought.

"Are you serious? We'll be lucky if this thing can carry you!" Johnny retorted.

"I can fly circles around you blindfolded," Ben glared.

"Guys!" Susan hollered trying to get their attention.

"HEY!" I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, "We don't have time for this! So shut up and move it!"

"Thank you, Ari," Reed sighed in relief, "I'm driving." He told the guys as he and Susan lifted the surfer into the hover car.

Once everyone was strapped in and took off, I willed myself into a flurry just as Johnny shot into the sky like a flaming comet and caught up with me. He and I caught up with the others as they were flying at the right altitude and flew alongside them.

"Okay," Ben remarked, "We're now officially enemies of the United States of America, Victor is out there somewhere with unlimited power, and we've got a giant intergalactic force that's about to destroy our planet in less than 24 hours. Did I miss anything?"

I could tell he was just being sarcastic. No one replied to that.

"I've got a lock on Victor's energy trail," Reed informed us after getting a reading on the screen in front of him, "He's headed over Southeast China. Hang on."

The hover car started zooming rapidly nearly leaving Johnny and I to eat its dust. Both of us managed to catch up to the vehicle and fly alongside Susan and the surfer.

"Norrin Radd," the silver entity spoke.

"What?" Susan wondered.

"I was once called Norrin Radd."

"Norrin, we're gonna need your help to save our world. Do you understand?"

He turned to look at her. Before Norrin could say anything, the vehicle was hit by strong turbulence, nothing like the one felt while in an airplane cabin. Johnny and I were nearly thrown off course but managed to get into view of the hovercar.

"Whoa! What the hell was that?" Ben gaped in shock.

I looked to my left and saw that it was Victor, masked, cloaked, and riding the board.

"Victor, the board is drawing the destroyer here!" Reed called out to him, "You have to give it up!"

"You know, I've never been the giving up type, Reed," Victor sneered and was ready to send out another turbulence at us.

"Hold on!" Reed drove faster than ever.

Johnny and I darted after Victor, hoping to distract him while the others got Norrin to safety. The megalomaniac held a hand out, causing a huge amount of water to splash toward us. I quickly manipulated it, causing it to move away from Johnny. However, yet again the sociopath sent out another splash of water putting out Johnny's flame.

Johnny! I gaped and flew after him as he was about to fall into a body of water. I formed myself into a mini cyclone and lifted him above and got him onto dry land.

"Thanks, Ari," he gasped after I placed him on the shore of a small island in the middle of the river, "Don't you think you should try to go ahead and help the others? I'm still a little wet from that splash by Victor."

I willed myself back into human form, "Not without you," I shook my head, "Team members don't ditch each other."

"Wish I could say the same for Reed and Sue."

"Hey, maybe they'll change their minds and keep all of us together, regarding that the earth isn't destroyed."

Once Johnny was completely dry, he and I flew off in flames and a flurry. We caught up with the others above the Great Wall of China as they got Victor surrounded. I was prepped and ready to send out a snow flurry along with razor-sharp leaves at the megalomaniac.

"Let's all go for a spin!" Victor yelled evoking a tornado pulling all five of us into it.

I found myself getting blown off, even though I was practically air at the moment. The others were blown towards Shanghai, while I managed to find Johnny who was able to get out of the twister.

Both of us flew towards the city to locate them. When we did, we were met with a horrific sight involving one of our own.

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