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Hello everyone, here is a story

This is set in modern world

IMPORTANT: Everything will be updated at the same time, but chapter two is so crucial to this, if you do not read, it will give the wrong impression, so please, read part two as well, if it is not up yet, refresh until it is, because it is being uploaded at the same time, chapter two is so utterly crucial

Also a small language warning

I also hope everything got into this as I have moved the work from another site to here, and there was a few issues, but I think it went well 

Hope you enjoy

Read and relax

Ace woke up to the feeling of lips being pressed to his temples. He felt a small noise leave him as he opened his eyes and saw a pair of blue ones looking at him. "Good morning, yoi." Said Marco with a smile. Ace let out a small hum, "Morning." He said as he closed his eyes again and let out a breath, he was tired. He heard a small chuckle, before a hand went through his hair, "I need to leave. Think you'll be okay today?" Ace gave a nod, "I'll be fine. Say hi to the others." Ace felt lips to his head again, "Of course, Thatch would feel betrayed if I didn't, yoi. I'll come and get you tonight so we can leave to Pops and have dinner. And you can tell how it went."

Ace nodded and gave a noise again, he felt really tired. "I'll see you later then." He muttered out as he rolled around to sleep more. He felt Marco caress his head, "Sure you'll be fine?" Ace waved a hand at him, "Yes, I'm just a bit tired." There was silence for a bit, before a last kiss was given to his head and Marco left. As Marco left their apartment, Ace tried to sleep more since he was tired and needed all the energy he could get. It was after all the last day of practice today, tomorrow he would perform in front of hundreds, if not thousands.

It was the biggest show he was going to do and he was even in the lead for the first time.

They had practiced a lot the last month and it was stressful, but he could handle it. He just needed to keep his head calm and do the routine. Ace had been a ballet dancer for years now and really enjoyed it. He was ashamed at first, since it was considered a woman's thing, but no one had judged him for it, everyone was surprisingly supportive, especially his family. They didn't live in the main house anymore, they had moved out 3 months ago to their own apartment, to get more privacy. They still visited the main house where Pops and everyone lived often, sometimes even staying over, but they liked their privacy too.

When he heard the clock ring, Ace got up and showered and got ready for practice. But he still felt tired, blaming it on the fact he had been pushing himself a bit the past weeks, he was finally in the lead.

When he got to the studio, they instantly started to train and rehearse the play, black Swan, which was long and tough, especially since he was the only male and needed to do a lot, and that he had never done a play this intense before. But he was managing it fine, everything was going good and he could handle it.

As they got through rehearsal and were doing the last go through before they would all enjoy a break together and have fun, Ace started to feel something was wrong.

It wasn't that he did anything wrong, he managed to get through the moves and do everything fine. But something in his mind was... weird. But as he did a turn and saw the empty seats of the hall where everyone would sit tomorrow, he saw Marco there. He should not be here, he was supposed to be playing basket or something. And he looked mad.

It wasn't long left of the play, and Ace tried to concentrate on the moves he did and get through it. But the mad frown Marco had, made him wonder why he was mad and why he even was here. Maybe something had happened? Ace tried not to think about it as he finished the rehearsal, wanting to do his best, Marco had said he always loved to see him dance. And he wanted to show the teacher he was ready for this and that he could do it.

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