Recovery 1

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Hello everyone, here's the next chapter

And the pov will change here and there, sometimes quite often, just to really give an in depth view on how Ace recovered and how this affects people. This chapter is also way longer than the other two, wanted to make the recovery detailed and as realistic as possible

Also, please read the AN at the end

There is one chapter after this

Hope you enjoy

Read and relax

Marco wasn't sure how long he sat and held Ace, continuing to comfort him as Ace clutched his shirt. Marco didn't care about the tears falling from his eyes anymore, he was just so glad to see Ace. When he felt Ace's hands stop clutching at his shirt, Ace now only leaning against him with his hands slumped in his lap, Marco got worried and moved to look at Ace, and felt his heart clench when he saw a forlorn face, looking emotionless and confused. Marco leaned his forehead against Ace's, moving a hand to hold onto Ace's. "It's going to be fine, yoi." Marco closed his eyes and gave a small squeeze with his hand when he got no reaction from Ace. He knew Ace was better, he had been told that, but he hoped he was better than this. He was glad Ace leaned against him, it did mean he wasn't afraid of him, which was good.

When Marco felt a hand touch his shoulder, he looked up to see the nurse again.

The nurse gave a kind look, "You have to leave now, Mr Fishback. The doctor is outside, he wants a word." Marco nodded and used his hand to wipe at his eyes. When he saw the nurse's hands coming to the hand he had on Ace's, taking it away. He looked at Ace and saw he still looked forlorn, not reaction to it. Marco moved a hand to Ace's cheek giving it a caress. "I'll visit again, I promise, yoi." Again, no reaction. When Marco stood up, the nurse took his spot, holding Ace's hand. "Ace, are you okay?" When she got no reaction, she sent him a look, giving a soft smile. "The doctor will update you."

Marco gave a nod and a last look to Ace, before he turned around. When he saw the door, he saw the doctor from last time standing there. Marco moved out of the room, the doctor closing the door behind him. When he was about to ask the doctor on how Ace really was doing, he was handed a napkin. Marco took it mildly confused, but realized he had tears falling from his eyes again. He quickly wiped them away, "I'm sorry, yoi." Said Marco, not understanding why he was this emotional right now.

The doctor shook his head, "It's a normal reaction. Seeing someone you care about a lot, in this case your significant other, like this, is hard." Marco nodded, feeling a bit more composed. "How is Ace, yoi." The doctor motioned to a door, "Why don't we head into my office." Marco nodded and followed the doctor. When they got to the office, the doctor sat down and motioned for a chair for him to sit in. When he was seated, the doctor looked at him. "Mr Portgas is doing better than he did. He's still on heavy medication and will be until he shows more improvement since we don't want him to continue to have delusions. He sometimes touches his head and flinches, and has mentioned a wound there, even though there clearly isn't a wound there."

Marco nodded and closed his eyes as he remembered Ace saying that he promised to never hit him, it might be a wound Ace thinks he gave to him. Marco opened his eyes again as the doctor started talking again. "He did seem to react positively to your presence, which is good. It's still early to say if he will remember it, as he has had issues with time and memory." Marco nodded. He thought the visit had gone by fine. Ace did apologize for something he had no idea about, but it had gone fine. He looked at the doctor, "Can I visit again, yoi." Much to his relief, the doctor nodded. "I can't promise you can do it everyday, but since he reacted positively to this visit, we think it will be good for him. If you could call in the mornings, between 8 and 9, we can say if you can visit or not. Aside from that, we will call if anything happens."

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