Recovery 2

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Hello everyone, here is the last chapter

This will be the rest of the recovery, and is even longer than last chapter somehow 

Hope you enjoy

Read and relax

Ace blinked as he looked around, seeing things were blurry. He blinked a few times, trying to get the blurriness away. It helped some, but it was still a bit blurry, but he could make out a white room and a woman in white next to him, writing something on a clipboard. When she sent a look at him, Ace blinking again to see better, he heard her say something, before she moved away, a man in white coming into his view. He said something Ace didn't grasp, before a hand touched his shoulder. Ace tried to concentrate, but couldn't. The doctor gave him a look and said something more, before Ace felt himself falling asleep again.

When he woke up the next time, he felt better, things not being blurry.

When he came more too, he saw the doctor again, and tried to speak. "...Where..?" The doctor gave a smile. "You're in the hospital, Ace. Do you remember that?" Ace frowned. Hospital? Why was he in a hospital? Then he remembered the wound in his head, that was probably why. "...Wound...?" The doctor gave a small sigh, "There is no wound, Ace." Ace frowned, there had been a wound, he knew there had been. He had not felt it before and was going to check when... when the scary man showed up. Was he still here? "...The man... Where is he..?" The doctor frowned. "What man, Ace?" Ace tried to think, what did he look like? "..In my room... black eyes..." The doctor shook his head. "There was no one in your room Ace, you were alone."

Ace frowned, he wasn't alone. He remembers the man, he didn't like that man.

Maybe he had left before the doctor saw him? That had to be it. He looked at the doctor as he spoke, but he couldn't make it out. Why couldn't he do that? Ace closed his eyes as his head hurt for a second, when he opened them, he was in a room alone.

Hadn't he been speaking to a doctor?


Marco walked anxiously into the hospital. It had been two days since Ace had had the setback, and he was told he could come by today. He was told Ace had bounced back, and he was almost back to where he was before the setback. He had been unresponsive most of the first day, but been better after that. And that was a huge comfort. He had been so terrified it had been a really big setback and that Ace would have used days to get back to where he was. The call from the doctor, him saying they had to sedate Ace again, had really shook him up.

When he got to the dining room, a nurse following him, Marco quickly found Ace by a window and sat down beside him. Marco tried to speak to Ace, but he didn't respond, only staring out the window. Marco decided to continue to talk, hoping Ace might respond. After some minutes, Aces head slowly turned to him, making him stop. Ace gave a frown, "...Marco..?" Marco nodded. "Yes, yoi. How are you?" Ace looked at him confused. "...Why are... you here..?" Ace was pausing between words again, a bit more than before. But he was talking. Marco looked at Ace, laying a hand over his. "I worry about you. Why wouldn't I be here, yoi?" Ace looked at him confused again. "...You're mad..." Marco shook his head. "I'm not mad, yoi. I promise."

Ace shook his head, looking more confused, "...Really... mad..." Ace had then slowly turned his head back to the view, not responding to him again. Marco had given a small sigh, continuing to speak to Ace, hoping he might respond again. After a while, nurse came up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, getting his attention. "The visit is over. The doctor is waiting by the door." Marco nodded and stood up, the nurse taking his spot and speaking to Ace, who was still unresponsive. Marco gave a small sigh again as he walked over to the doctor by the doors, walking to his office.

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