Chapter Thirteen

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10 months earlier

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10 months earlier...

For one of the first times in my life, I don't mind being ill. I don't resent the virus that's kept me in bed for weeks. That's left me tired, stiff and achy after all this time. I don't care that it's the night of the neighbourhood Christmas party. That the Steele's house will busy with people feasting on pastries and chocolate. That the party will spill out onto a street full of children playing in the fake snow and zooming across the hired ice rink. The twins will be skating, red-cheeked, with Mari and Ruby at their heels. Mum and Dad will be in the house, drinking mulled wine by the fire till their words grow sloppy and their eyes glaze over.

Me? I'm in my flannel pyjamas, all alone in my bedroom, and I couldn't be happier. Because no one can see the secret smile plastered across my face every time Owen messages me.

Weeks had passed since I'd seen him, but we'd messaged every day after that night in the car park. There was something about him - he was honest and brutal and made me smile. I felt more comfortable talking to him than I had with anyone else in a long time. He never judged me. With him, I could be as angry or sad or bitter as I really felt and he never seemed to think less of me. If anything, I think he liked talking to someone who felt rage the way he did. That it was more than a feeling, more than an emotion, but as much a part of us as our blood.

How you feeling?

I curl deeper in my duvet, the buttery glow of my bedside lamp the only light in the room. I'm tired, and my body wants to sleep, but I don't want to waste a moment when I could be talking to him.

Tired, but better. What are you doing tonight?


I don't need to ask more, and he doesn't say more. I know what working means. I hear a creak below me and frown. This old house is creepy when you're the only one in it.

How the hell did they get an ice rink on your street?

I laugh, throwing back my head. It's not a surprise he's on my street. And I don't even need to ask why. I've seen the performance, the fake smiles Larissa and Damien are forced to wear for events like this. And I'm sure Owen will have something for them to get through it.

Money. You can do anything if you'll pay someone enough.

The house creeks again, and I pull my knees into my chest. It wasn't as if I hadn't spent days alone in this house before.

You all alone tonight, baby?

A shiver passes through me, and I bite my lip. I can hear the words uttered in his deep voice as if he was standing right here. My hands are gripping the phone so tightly I can see my knuckles glowing white.

Yes. Everyone's at the party. Including you.

The creak grows louder, and my body tenses.

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