Chapter Fourteen

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Nobody answers when I knock on the door

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Nobody answers when I knock on the door. Glancing down at my phone, I double-check the address that Raj sent me. I'm definitely at the right door. TJ's halls are in the centre of town. An ugly, geometric mess of a tower that resembles something the twins might build out of blocks. I lean closer to the door and hear the TV coming from inside. Groaning, I step back, preparing to knock again. My knuckles scrape the wood as the door is flung open. A disgruntled, and red-eyed Jon peers through the half-open door. His shaggy blond hair is pulled back in a messy ponytail, and his designer T-shirt is so stretched out of shape I'm guessing it's years old. He leans against the doorframe, blocking my view of inside the flat. The annoyance on his face drops slowly as his brain processes who I am.

"C...Calla? What are you..."

The door is yanked open all the way. TJ's narrow eyes go wide when she sees me and then she squeals.

"Calla! I haven't seen you in months. What are you doing here? Well, I can guess what you're doing here, but come in..."

She continues to ramble as she backs away from the door and waves me inside. Jon stands there awkwardly, before slumping back towards a crumpled settee. The false cackles of daytime TV blare out of the screen. TJ pushes a pile of clothes off an armchair and onto the floor, pointing for me to sit down. I try not to think about the dark stains as I sink down onto the plastic fabric. TJ sits beside Jon, grinning broadly at me. Her turquoise and cobalt hair is the brightest thing in this monochrome flat. The smell of drugs and fried food churns my stomach.

"I don't know where Owen is. I'm sorry. Wish I did."

Jon frowns. Dragging his gaze away from the TV.

"Why would she be looking for Owen?" He looks between me and TJ in confusion. She snorts and giggles.

"Huh? Well, they're together. Were together." She turns back to me. "He shouldn't have dumped you."

"That's what Raj said. Doesn't mean he regretted it," I snap. I'm not here to dig up the past. Or at least I'm not here to dig up my past. TJ's eyes soften and she looks at me intently, leaning forward.

"I don't know about regret. But I know he missed you. He was a mess with you, Calla."

"Wait, wait, wait." Jon interrupts, chuckling. "You and Owen. You were with Owen? Scary drug dealer guy and the chief constable's daughter? Damien never said anything?"

"Nobody knew." TJ answers. "Owen never told anyone. I don't think he was even happy about me and Raj knowing." She smiles warmly at me. "He was so protective of the two of you."

Jon continues to look confused, and I sigh.

"How did I not know this?"

"Well, I didn't know about you two either." I turn to TJ. "Raj seems pretty low..."

She exhales and nods unhappily.

"I know, I know. I didn't want to hurt him, but... we're happy, right?"

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