Chapter Twenty-One

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I'm barely through the front door when Mari and Alice burst into the hallway

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I'm barely through the front door when Mari and Alice burst into the hallway. Their eyes narrow, Alice's hands perched on her hips. From deeper in the house, I hear the fire crackling and spitting. The lights are low, and the orange glow creeps into the darkness of the reception room.

"Where the hell have you been?" Alice hisses, the shadows hollowing out her gaunt cheeks. My body is aching. Tiredness is creeping into my bones and despite Davey Taggart's insistence that he wouldn't hurt me, the fear hadn't fully subsided until he'd said his civil goodbyes as I climbed out of his car. I still felt shocked about what had happened. And I suspect it was only my numbness that was keeping me from falling apart completely.

"Mum and Dad were going crazy. I covered for you."

"Where are they now?"

"They had some charity thing. Mum almost refused to go, but they think you're at Tara's."

I mumble my thanks and stumble forward, heading to the staircase. I had an idea, a vague notion of where Owen could be, but I had nothing left to find him now. And at this late hour, only a dumb person would try. Tonight I'd sleep, tomorrow I'd search.

"Where were you?" Mari yells as I storm by, avoiding the angry glares from both of them.

"I was getting the condolence book..." Alice grunts and stamps her foot.

"Stop. Lying. I looked at that damn book, which is still in your room, by the way. So what have you actually been doing?"

I reach the bottom of the stairs and lean on the bannister. I turn to my sister, and see nothing but anger and coldness on her face. Like grief had stripped her of all warmth. Or maybe just any warmth she could show me.

"Why do you care? What does it matter to you where I go?" Alice scoffs and walks away, pacing. Mari gives her a glance and takes over this strange intervention.

"Calla... something is going on. I called Tara. I have no idea what you have on her, but she was clearly lying and clearly terrified. Are you seeing him again?"

Alice jerks and turns around.

"Seeing who?"

"Mari..." She waves me away, shaking her head in disappointment.

"She won't admit it, but last year Calla was seeing someone. She kept sneaking out. Telling Mum and Dad she was at Tara's when she was really with him."

Alice turns to me, eyes burning with fury.

"My boyfriend died. Damien was murdered and instead of grieving, which is what I should be doing, I've been worrying about you when all you've been doing it meeting some boy?"

"You don't know anything. Neither of you. You don't know anything about it!" I twist, my blood burning, and storm up the staircase.

"You're such a brat."

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