Chapter Thirty-One

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"Are you serious?" Owen barks, his hand gripping mine tightly

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"Are you serious?" Owen barks, his hand gripping mine tightly. He glances down at me again, concern heavy in his eyes. I turn away. I don't want him to see me like this. To see the sweat clinging to my forehead, the heavy rise and fall of my chest. Something is wrong. The LVAD might not be screaming with the alarms that act as a failsafe if something is wrong, but I can feel a tightness in my chest that shouldn't be there. But I won't leave him, won't go home, not until I know he has a way out.

"Hey, I'm just doing what I'm told." Harrison throws up his arms and shakes his head.

"He's half dead and you're still terrified of him?" Owen snorts and Harrison has the good sense to look sheepish.

"The worst mistake I ever made but..."

"You're in too deep now." Harrison shoots me a dark look for pointing out the cliché, and I smirk. Turning away, he points at the familiar black body of Taggart's car.

"He told me for you to take it. He'd rather see you drive it away and burn this thing to the ground than have it in an evidence yard," he says to Owen who shakes his head and rubs his hand over his face.

Harrison has driven us to the car park underneath a small apartment building just outside the centre of town. Is this another property of Taggart's? I have no idea and I'm too tired to ask or care. The place isn't large, enough for a dozen cars at the most. The grey concrete space is mostly empty with just a few expensive-looking cars parked in the barely lit space. Water from the pouring rain outside, drip-drops in down the walls. It's cold here, but not so cold that I should shiver the way I am.

"Fine. Just give me the keys and then we'll go."

Harrison nods and rummages through his pockets before handing the keys to Owen.

"There are cameras here. They'll see you." I whisper. But Harrison looks unaffected.

"Taggart owns this building. Nothing here is recorded."

I chuckle weakly.

"Of course not..." I roll my eyes and Owen nudges me playfully, a subtle smile playing on his lips, but his brow is still furrowed. I'm leaning against him for support, and he moves so his hand is around my waist. He turns back to Harrison, the stern expression back on his face.

"What do you know? Just tell us so we can get out of here."

Harrison tenses slightly and stays silent. His phone rings and he flinches, glancing down at his pocket, but he doesn't reach to answer the call.

"You don't know anything, do you?"

He looks uncomfortable, leaning against the car. He tugs on his beard.

"When Taggart suspected Leon was betraying him, he asked a couple of his men to stay close to him. Make him feel like they were loyal to him and not Taggart. Get him talking. Leon was speaking to Steele. I know that. I don't know the details, but Leon talked about knowing where Damien's murder weapon was. He was going to use it to make sure our case against you was watertight."

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