Chapter Thirty-Three

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TW : violence and references to abuse

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TW : violence and references to abuse. Please take care.

The waves roar as they crash against the beach. My hands are clutching the wall, the icy stones biting into my skin. I'm struggling to stay upright in my shock. The sky is too black, the stars too bright – everything is wrong. The tide is rising and foamy water is slapping against Larissa's crumpled car. Owen doesn't hesitate. He launches himself over the wall. He slid down over the rocky bank until his feet hit the sand with a faint thud. I'm breathing so hard it hurts. Everything in my body is thundering with shock and panic.

"Owen!" I scream his name, and he glances up at me. His eyes flash in the faint light, his face is grim. He stomps slowly towards Larissa's limp body. I glance around, searching for a way of scouring the steep rocks. Adrenalin is pumping through me, and the weakness and aches in my body feel miles away. Finding the easiest way I could see, I awkwardly pull myself over the wall.

"Don't even think..." Owen yells from down below, his voice merging with the roar of the waves. But as I glance down, I see it – Larissa's hand fisting in the sand. Owen is too busy glaring at me to notice. It happens so quickly. One second Larissa is barely twitching, the next she is wailing like an animal and launching herself at Owen's legs. Quickly I try to scale the bank, my feet slipping on the wet surface, my hands blazing as they're shredded on the rocks as I hear them scuffle below me. I twist as I climb down, and see Larissa on top of Owen slapping and punching, screaming wildly. His eyes are wide, more with shock than pain.

I gasp as my feet lose their grip on the rocks and I fall, landing awkwardly on my knees. I pull myself up in time to see Owen flip Larissa onto her back, pinning her down. His hands gripping her wrists as she writhes and spits but one arm gets loose. She reaches into the pocket of her coat. I see the flash of silver only a moment before she plunges it into his side.

Owen gasps and rolls off her. I stumble towards him. Sinking into the sand next to him. Larissa pulls herself to stand, smiling as she watches us. The knife is still in her hand - Owen's blood dripping off the blade and pooling on the ground at her feet. Dark blood is matting in her hair. Her eyes are unnaturally wide and glassy.

"Well, look at you two..." She laughs a little manically. "I knew. I knew the moment you started searching the town, asking questions that had nothing to do with you that you were together. A kiss is never just a kiss. And just think..." She laughs again, swaying unnaturally, like she could topple over any moment. "It was all down to me."

Owen tries to sit, hissing under his breath. I gaze down at his side, tearing open his coat so I can see the wound for myself, but all I can see is blood. Even in the faint light from the street lamps on the road above, I can see his face draining of colour. I whimper. But he's not paying attention. He pulls me into him, tucking me close. His eyes never leave the knife Larissa is waving in the air around her.

"Tell me why," I yell, my voice broken by the angry swell of the sea. Her smile drops, and real sadness shadows her features. "Why did you kill Damien?"

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