Thank you and Author's Note

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Firstly, thank you so much for sticking with Calla and Owen's story

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Firstly, thank you so much for sticking with Calla and Owen's story. This has taken a really long time to write and been a tough story to tell and I know I haven't always been the most consistent of authors! I appreciate everyone who has read, voted and commented on this story, it means so much and always helps me to keep going.

I've learnt a lot from writing this story. It's giving me a lot more confidence in writing more freely, I've always been a strict plotter and this is the first story I've written mostly by the seat of my pants. And I've enjoyed every step of it. For years, I had this idea in my head and dozens of incomplete outlines that I could never quite finish. I reached a point where I realised I just needed to take a leap, use the basic plot points I had and let the story and characters take me to where it needed to go. So I did.

This story is still a first draft, like most of my stories on Wattpad and as always I like to know the areas you think I could improve and should focus on. Below are a few things I have in mind to look at during the edit -

Additional Research

One of the downsides of 'pantsing' it's difficult to prepare in terms of research. Having never written a crime-focused story before there was a lot about the procedure I didn't know and still don't know. Whilst I did research as much as I could whilst trying to write a chapter weekly I think there are probably areas that could be strengthened.

Calla's heart condition, again whilst I also researched a great deal, is one I would like to look into further. It was such an important part of the story and had such an impact on the forming of Calla that I would like to work on this more.


Would love all your opinions on this! I think the first half of 'Dark Hearts' needs to be made shorter and brisker. I love the flashbacks, and think they add something to the story but I do worry they lower the tension. However, every time I finish a book I say I need to sort the pacing and every time it's the one area everyone else thinks works just fine so I'm not sure I can be trusted!

Time Period

Wild thought... I think Dark Hearts should have been set in the late nineties or early noughties. What do we think?

The above are just my thoughts! I would love to hear what you think I should be focusing on in the edit! All comments are welcome! And the biggest question of all... does Dark Hearts need a sequel?!

Dark Hearts - YA Thriller/RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now