2: Lost Faith

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The scientist turned white, lanky anomaly slowly rose from beneath the ground as if he was phasing through the solid concrete at will. The man spoke, but his voice was no longer the same as when they last spoke.

"S-p...iderman." It screeched out, the man's voice disturbed and shattered by whatever all of that dark matter had done to him.

"Listen, Spot. We can talk about this." Miles tried, looking hopefully as the once white man was now pulsing with the black energy that was dark matter. "I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt, we were trying to save all of our universes!" He stressed, but the newly created being looked emotionless, though Miles did suppose he no longer had a face.

"A-A-And yyett, I w...was rrruined b...by it!" His voice made Miles wince.

"Anyone think of a plan yet?" He mumbled at the old scientist began floating upwards towards the building.

"Swing, punch, swing, kick, repeat." Hobie suggested nonchalantly, his English accent thick.

Peni spoke up after she stopped tinkering with her bracelet. "I think we can recalibrate the tiny bit of dark matter that power our bracelets into something we can use against him."

"How long is that going to take?"

"I'd need a lab and time." She frowned. Miles grimaced. "Two things we don't have."

"Alright." He decided. "We've only got one option left."

Gwen looked at him like he was crazy. "You have that look in your eye, don't do something stupid, Miles." She warned.

He gave her one last look. "For once, stupid might save the day."

Sprinting off of the building, he leapt into the air after three long strides. Flying through the air he slammed into the Spot who seemed unaffected.

Latching on with his hands and feet as the Spot tried to throw him off, Gwen could only stare in disbelief. "Is he crazy?!"

Just when she was about to go rip him off of the dark matter being herself, Miles' hands started to glow. Unlike when he was absorbing energy, this time he was a soulless black and white lightning seeping into his skin like wires from an outlet.

Miles roared in pain, Gwen felt tears prickling as she was forced to watch him take more and more of the Spot's endless energy.

He kept going until he couldn't anymore, sliding off of the Spot's body as the writhing being finally got him off.

Hitting the ground, Gwen and Peter rushed to his side. Before they could even say a word, he pointed weakly to the sky, where the Spot hovered.

"Need. To. Release." He said through gritted teeth. Gwen could tell it was taking everything within him to resist exploding right now. The part that frightened her was even if he let the Spot be an outlet for the energy he'd adapted inside of himself, would he survive that?

Helping him up, Gwen reluctantly worked with Hobie to pull him to his feet. Firing their webs they created a slingshot like mechanism between the buildings onto the middle of the street.

Pedestrians had long run from the chaos, leaving the sound of sirens in the distance as the rest of the Spider-People watched from above.

"M-Miles, there's something I need to tell you. I know I said I'd wait until after but-"

"Blondie, he needs to release it." Hobie cut her off firmly.

Gwen bit down on her wobbling lip as she steadied her breathing. "Fine. On three."

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