Chapter 11

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The next morning, a thin scream rang out from the Countess Lampard's room.


As soon as Lisa woke up from sleep, she buried her face in her pillow and stamped her feet. While outside, and in a cabin where anyone could come and go, they had sex like animals.. It was not something she could do with a sober mind! Thinking about it again, she felt like she was going to die of embarrassment.

But more than that, she was resentful of Jungkook. How dare he stripped her naked! That wasn't all. He even wildly touched her body to warm her body from the rain!

However, what was more resentful was herself who responded to his indifferent gestures.

'But Jungkook... his dick was also upright?'

Lisa's face, buried in her pillow, grew more and more red. The feel of his pulsating penis could be clearly remembered. A huge object that she couldn't even hold in her hand. It gave her a pleasant feeling that filled her stomach. A pained voice escaped Lisa's mouth.


Feeling lost for some reason, Lisa burst into tears.

Still, she quickly became energetic as usual. She will one day embarrass him even more. Lisa clenched her fists and vowed.

But how would she manage to tear down that iron-walled man? Jungkook was open-minded in his words and actions, but neither made mistakes nor was he ashamed of her past. It would be more difficult for her to embarrass him than to pick a star in the sky.

A proud smile suddenly appeared on Lisa's face, who had been thinking seriously. He had a big weakness, a great weakness which could let her make up a mistake that he never made!


Lisa's feet stopped in front of a portrait. Jungkook looked back at Lisa and immediately turned to the painting.

The portrait was drawn when the two were married. Lisa's eyes turned to the portrait where she sat on the long sofa and was leaning against Jungkook's shoulder. Compared to Jungkook, her appearance looked embarrassed. Lisa once again vowed to pull herself together and go out shamelessly with confidence.

"You probably don't remember."

Lisa smiled faintly and looked at Jungkook. He looked at the portrait and then turned his head towards Lisa. Lisa spoke slowly, as if she were reminiscing about the past.

"You asked to meet with me alone before you even got my parents' permission. You knelt down in front of me and begged me to marry you because you fell in love at first sight. Now it's only a memory I remember."

His face, which had always been stiff, was subtly relaxed. Did he feel sorry for her? But if he listened to her, he should be embarrassed to death?

Lisa took a inhaled a big breath and tried to look as lonely as possible.

"You came to see me steadfastly despite my father's opposition."

"I guess the former Count Lampard was against us."


Lisa's stiff shoulders shrugged slightly. Thinking back on it, Lisa's father had no reason to object. And she didn't know what Jungkook's parents thought.

How dare the duke's son, who even owned an estate, want to marry the count's daughter. That too with a young lady who was reputed to be a flirtatious girl in the social world.

In addition, even the Duchess of Wade, who was Lisa's principal, did not oppose her and Jungkook's marriage. The Duchess of Wade would know best about how often she caused absurd incidents during her school days. Why?

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