Chapter 3

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As all knights do to their wives, Jungkook kissed the back of Lisa's hand. He touched her hand, but it was her face that became hot. She didn't even know that her slender fingers were trembling pathetically. She quickly released her hand. It became empty as the warmth disappeared, but now she could breathe properly. Lisa turned around quickly to hide her blushing face.

"Countess Lampard!"

But she had to turn again at the sound of someone calling her urgently. Then her eyes met Jungkook's. She didn't know since when, but Jungkook had been looking at her. The cold wind cooled the heated face.

Only when a glasses-wearing man intervened did Lisa come to her senses. It was the first time she saw this man. He introduced himself as a member of the Holy Knights and said he would explain Jungkook's injury. Jungkook's lieutenant, Jake Mason, was also to be there.

Wasn't it a minor injury? He didn't say anything today, but he looked fine. Lisa looked at Jungkook with worried eyes and led the doctor and Jungkook's lieutenant into the drawing room.


"So... I don't know where to start...."

"First, let me apologize, Countess."

Jake bowed his head after cutting off the words of the doctor, who was stammering in embarrassment. She didn't know what was going on, but Lisa waved her hand out of courtesy. But the words that came out of Jake's mouth were like thunderbolts.

"This was a kind of... It was an operation. It is the first time we have actually performed it... ."

"What kind of operation was it...."

Lisa grabbed her hands tightly at a ominous premonition. Her frantic gesture was pitiful. Jake looked at Jungkook for a moment with an awkward expression, then opened his mouth to Lisa with determination.

"When the commander went out into the center of where the monsters, I poured out my divine power on the leader, and then I tried to use the divine power within him to kill the monsters in the vicinity at once."

Although they were both called divine power, the divine power used for attack magic and healing magic for wounds were completely different. Of course, the Holy Knights were still somewhat okay after getting hit by attack magic, but..

It was terrifying enough to be able to penetrate among the monsters alone, but to use attack magic directly on people. Lisa was astonished.

"You mean that you were using my husband as a lightning rod?"

"What do you mean, lightning rod? That...! This was a noble sacrifice...!"

"Who cares if it's a noble sacrifice! So what happened?!"

"Madam, please calm down...."

The doctor and Jake comforted Lisa, who had forgotten her manners at the absurdity and screamed loudly. Jungkook, who was quietly listening to their conversation, opened his mouth.

"It's really noisy."


He was a bit blunt, but he wasn't the kind of person who spoke like this. The shocked Lisa looked like she was about to cry which made Jungkook frown and turn his head in a flash. Lisa was even more shocked by it and gasped for her breath.

Was it because we're going to become strangers soon? She had been thinking of how she could delay the divorce, but he seemed to already be annoyed with her. No, it could have been like that a long time ago. It was just that he no longer cared about what other people thought.

Lisa bit her lip to hold back her tears as they burst out. And the doctor and Jake were caught between them and sweated.

"The reason the commander is like this is because of the aftereffects of that injury."

"Yes that's right. Madam knows best that the commander cares for her."

That wasn't true. Because the two did not have a relationship together. It was just that they didn't show it in front of other people. Did he lose patience due to the aftermath of his injury?

Tears welled up in her blue eyes. As the beautiful woman was dripping with tears, the eyes of men all stares at her. Not knowing what to do, the officer tapped his feet, and Jake took a handkerchief from his pocket, while being careful of Jungkook.

But before it could even reach Lisa, Jungkook walked over to her. While frowning, he rubbed her eyes with his hand. Neither the callus nor the casual touch was soft at all, but Lisa was intoxicated by the warmth and wept again. Jungkook looked a bit uncomfortable, but he didn't take his hands off her face until Lisa stopped her tears.

"Lisa... Can I call you that?"


Lisa's tears stopped because she was surprised by the way he spoke as if they were meeting for the first time. Her eyes shook slightly as she raised her head and faced Jungkook. He quickly pulled his hand off Lisa's face and stepped back from her and opened his mouth.

"I lost my memory as a result of that injury."


A loud voice escaped Lisa's mouth at his absurd remarks. The doctor standing next to him added an explanation, fidgeting.

"It's true. The commander has lost his memories of the past five years."

"Five years. Then...."

Seeing Lisa's confused expression, Jungkook turned his head away, and the doctor and Jake couldn't hide their embarrassment.

"But if he stays with madam, he may soon find his memory."

"Yes, it is said that if you live like before, your memories will come back."

The doctor and Jake worked hard to appease Lisa, but she heard nothing in her ears. She was just busy clearing her messy head.

5 years. It was only three and a half years ago that Jungkook asked the marriage contract.

So you mean he doesn't even remember the contract?

An idea that Jungkook might be a little scared to know crossed Lisa's mind. Soon, her face glowed.

"It's okay...! I'll work hard by his side...!"

The doctor and Jake became worried when they saw Lisa's overly hopeful expression on her face. However, they thought that it would be better than looking at the parlor room that had become a sea of ​​tears right now, so they quickly greeted the Count and Countess and left.

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