Chapter 18

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The hand wrapped around her waist loosened and her wrist was pulled again. Lisa had no choice but to move her feet again.

It was still quiet inside the mansion. Only the footsteps of the two of them rang out loudly. They climbed the stairs and passed the long hallway to Jungkook's bedroom.

Without even being able to ask why she had come here, her body was pulled inside and she heard the door shut.

A cold door hit her back. Jungkook's chest was visible right in front of her. He was wearing the same clothes as he was wearing yesterday. There was a strong smell of alcohol.

Lisa couldn't raise her head. But she could tell without looking that he was staring at her.

"Where were you going?"


His hoarse voice seemed to scratch the inside of her body. Lisa's shoulders trembled.

"Answer me, Lisa. Where were you trying to runaway with him?"

Him? Who was he talking about.... Lisa lifted her head involuntarily.

There was no expression on Jungkook's face. To Lisa, Jungkook just seemed indifferent. As always, no, it hadn't been the case lately, so should she say that he was like that in the past? But his inquiry was definitely not indifferent.

"Since when have you been in that type of relationship with that servant?"

"... Are you talking about Thomas? That type of relationship... What are you talking about?"

"You call him pretty intimately. Did you sleep with that man?"


Lisa was startled by his words. She had no idea what he was thinking or what he was saying.

However, Jungkook did not give in to Lisa's reaction and continued to push her away.

"No, you must have been lovers before we got married. You too must have had quite a bit of fun whenever I was away."


"Then, did you too become lovers after we got marriage?"

"No! I have nothing to do with him!"

The moment Lisa screamed in embarrassment, Jungkook banged his fist on the door she was leaning on. Lisa shrank her body as she shrieked in in surprise. Thanks to that, she came closer to Jungkook that she could almost touch him. The strong aroma of alcohol from his breath makes her feel like she was getting drunk.

She thought he wasn't a man like this. No, Jungkook was definitely not such a man. What made him like this....

"... Did you enjoy playing with me?"


Lisa gulped her saliva. For a moment she thought his words came from her own mouth. Forgetting her fear, she slowly raised her head. His dark eyes were full of resentment. In those eyes, Lisa felt something creeping up inside her. A sharp voice came out of her mouth.

"Did you say I was playing with you?"


Who was playing with whom? What a shameless man. Lisa raised her head sharply.

"You were the one playing with me!"

Jungkook laughed in a daze at the remark. Lisa gritted her teeth.

"Why didn't you tell me you found your memory?"


Only then did Jungkook's face harden. His lips opened and then clapped shut. Instead of answering, Lisa spoke again.

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