Chapter Two

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[Season 7, in the middle of an ocean]


Bdubs was greeted the moment he woke up by the stranger who'd brought everyone here. He stared at them for a minute before responding.

"Good morning?"

The so-called Captain sat on a stair at the entrance to the above deck, waiting for everyone else to awaken. It was likely dawn, knowing Bdubs' sleep schedule.

"... have you been-?"

"Waiting here all morning, yes."

The builder swallowed and slowly got out of the hammock, retying his bandanna. "How long have you been up?"

"Eh." Marra just shrugged in response.

"Who's 'ere-"

Bdubs jumped as the Captain calmly looked over at Zed. "Careful, you don't want to fall out."

"Huh-? Oh, 'm inna hammock-" The Brit blinked, adjusting to not be at high risk of stumbling onto the floor. "Mornin'."

"Good morning. You two hungry?"

The two nodded, Bdubs more cautious than the still half-asleep Zedaph (the continuous rocking of the ship really didn't help him stay awake).

"Great. I'll get some food." Marra gave a small smile before-


Xisuma blinked at the sound. "Hm?"

"The Captain's getting food." Doc spoke, making Bdubs jump.

"When did you-?!"

"Couldn't sleep." The cyborg sat up, running his organic hand through his hair. "Not used to sleeping... here. Wherever here is-"

A few small plates POOFed out of nowhere into the four awake Hermits' laps, currently empty. Bdubs jumped again, staring at the dish in confusion while Zed seemed too tired to care.

"Huh." Xisuma picked up the plate, raising an eyebrow. "How did-?"


A note appeared on the Admin's plate, with only one word scribbled on it: "Magic."

Blinking a few times, Xisuma just shrugged and looked around. Most of the other Hermits were still dead asleep in their hammocks. Wait, was Grian's empty? He could've sworn... wait, no, he was cuddling with Mumbo again, alright.


Each plate now had bacon, biscuits, and various fruits on them.

"Ooh-" Bdubs stared at the food before picking up the fruit, shrugging, and digging in.

As everyone else slowly started stirring, more and more plates of food appeared and more conversations started up.

Tango blinked in mild confusion at the smell of bacon. "Huh-?"



Glancing over at his friend, Zed held back a laugh. "Oh my- You alright, Tango?"

"You need help?" Xisuma moved to go help the fallen blond, who shook his head as he chuckled lightheartedly.

"Nope, nope, nope- I'm fine!" Tango got up and brushed himself off. "Ooh~ Food!"


"What?! I'm hungry!"

The awake Hermits laughed, trying and failing to keep the volume down.


"So, what's the game?" Ren asked, gnawing on a piece of bacon.

Marra chuckled. "Straight to the point, huh?"

The werewolf flashed a small, toothy grin at the pirate, which they returned.

"Well, I suppose I should start with the teams. There's three, but only one of them needs to use the ship. I'm stuck between calling Pirates or Sailors... but I think you get the gist."

A few Hermits who had been focused on their food looked up curiously, now listening intently. Noticing the shift in attention, Marra raised faer voice.

"There's the Merpeople, who are one of two teams to inhabit the ocean. They admittedly have a lot more freedom of movement, but there are a few islands scattered around this map for the Sailors/Pirates to find."

There were a few "ooh"s at the mention of merpeople. A few awed looks were exchanged, many wondering how that would work. A small bubble of pride welled up in Marra's chest as she continued.

"The final team, and the ones who get to present as many challenges as they please, are the Sirens."

Various Hermits gave playful gasps for dramatic effect, smiles clear in their eyes.

"Please tell me they're like the ones I think you're thinking about-" Grian couldn't hold back his excited laughter as he spoke.

"I'd say that I am." Marra grinned and continued, quite dramatically, "The Sirens, whose deadly songs can lure anyone to their watery deaths, are the ones that everyone else should look out for."

Tango exchanged grins with Impulse and Zedaph.

"Let's all hope Grian isn't a Siren, because then we know everyone else is screwed." Doc chuckled, remembering the past two wars that Grian participated in. Scar nodded in agreement, his mouth too full of fruit to respond verbally.

The cod- I mean, builder himself laughed along before letting Marra continue.

"There are a few rules that I'll explain as we go along, but the most important one is to have fun and explore! I had a few friends help with designing this world, and it has some pretty neat secrets if you know where to look." The Captain playfully winked. "Any questions right now?"

Most Hermits shook their heads.

"Yeah, um... How exactly will we actually be merpeople and stuff? Last I checked, nobody here could shapeshift." Impulse chuckled.

The pirate gave him a grin. "Well, that's what magic is for, isn't it?"

Finally! Hopefully we can get back on track with this, thanks to beach trips and summer vibes <3 - Terro

Mhm- But hope you all liked this! Have a great day, evening, and night <333 - Ignis


- CinnabonSys (had this planned for like- over a year-)

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