Waking up from a terrible nightmare that only played back memories and familiar voices, I screamed awake at the top of my lungs. I placed my hand on my chest, catching my breath as best as I possibly could.
My [E/C] eyes were shaking while I was sweating a lot, shivering and trembling for this unpleasant nightmare. Looking at my hands, some blindness wasn't letting me see them right.
My entire being was shaking violently, and I couldn't stop.
As soon as I finally caught up my breath, I began breathing heavily, panting as some sweat kept rolling down my face.
"What... what was that. Why do I feel like.."
I held my head close as I groaned in pain. A sudden headache caught me, my stomach felt as it was twirling and aching like hell. An unbearable pain that god only knew why it happened.