chapter 6

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a/n: my motivation boost is starting to concern me i would never do this 3rd day in a row aaaaaa


Ena's eyes flickered open after 13 long hours, not realising she fell asleep in a calm and empty sekai. Turning her head, she saw the virtual singers in the sekai, minding their own businesses, and next to her a person half awake watching blinding videos to keep theirself awake. Mizuki rubbed their eyes to stay awake, and looked to the side, seeing the brunette haired girl awake. "Ena you're awake" Mizuki said, tiredly and questioning if they were so tired they were hallucinating. They rubbed their eyes again and Ena was still there. "i fell asleep?" Ena asked them. "did you still wanna talk about why you came here?" Mizuki said, not with a sad expression, more like a compassionate one.

"Well, i was stuck on the images for the music video for so long, i kept on throwing out each picture and my bin was overflowing, eventually i just had to keep anything that looked half ok so i wouldn't hold up the group any longer, and that resulted in an all nighter, and then when the video was posted, i looked through the comments and everything about the actual music was positive and everything about my art was shit talk" Ena rambled on about it for a while until she ended up in tears again. Mizuki inched closer to her and gave her a tight hug. Ena hugged her back, and after she stopped crying, she grabbed her phone and pressed pause on "Untitled."

She saw the familiar pink, yellow and blue triangles, and she was back at her room in the Shinonome household. She flopped onto her bed and went back to sleep for a couple more hours, and after waking up once again, she decided to a cafe for lunch. She grabbed her phone and wallet and set it in a handbag on her bed, brushed her messy disheveled hair to make herself more presentable and changed out of the clothes she had been wearing for days. Ena checked herself in her mirror before leaving the house and locking the door behind her. She walked down the busy streets to the closest cafe, stared blankly at the menu for a couple minutes before her turn to order. She sat down at the booth in the corner wait waited for her food. She ordered some waffles and a chocolate milkshake, and after it arrived she slowly ate it while drowning in her thoughts once again.

"buzz" her phone went. She picked it up, realising that she hadn't checked any of her social media or text messages in a while. She checked all the notifications, but the messages of the members of niigo really caught her eye. 

k: where's enanan? she hasn't joined the call yet

yuki: idk she hasn't texted in hours

k: yea she's usually really talkative, i wonder what's going on

amia: she hasnt updated her social media in days now that you mention it

amia: i'll check some places where i know she likes to go and her house

**mizuki pov**

I first went over to Ena's house to ask lil bro if she's home. i knocked on the door and sure enough lil bro opens the door. "Hi Mizuki" he greeted. "Hey, is your sister home?" i asked him. "no she isn't" lil bro replied. After a little chat, i left Ena's house and immediately went to Ena's favourite cafe's and stores, she was no where to be found. "When Mafuyu disappeared, it was like she just left without a trace, but in reality she went to the sekai. Maybe that's where Ena went?" i asked myself, so i pulled out my phone from the back pocket and played "Untitled". After transporting to the sekai, none of the virtual singers could be found. Maybe they were with Ena. After a while of looking i could see 3 virtual singers crouched down and huddled around the girl i was looking for, and another singer in the distance observing this all. I walked over and sat down next to the sobbing girl and gave her a hug.

**3rd person pov (back to present/ena) **

Ena read through the messages, with a small smile knowing they all cared. After finishing up, Ena's phone ringed a very familiar noise, and picked up the phone. "hello enaaaaaa" the voice on the other side said. "hello mizuki" she said way more calmly then the person she was calling with. "i'm bored can i come overrrrrrrr" Mizuki asked, clearly excited. "well i'm not exactly home at the moment but you can meet me there?" Ena said, trying not to decline. "ok" mizuki replied, then hung up the phone. Ena quickly finished up eating and went back home. Standing at her doorstep was the person she had been expecting.


3 days in a row holy shit anyway i might have to stop before i go insane, ik that i just gave a shit ton of angst so next i'll try to make it fluff, and i wanna make it so there's like mizuki angst and ena angst, so i'll be waiting for that idea to come to me 👍

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