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TW: attempted assault

25th December, 1943

Life for Easy Company was much improved in the few weeks since Sobel's departure. His replacement was First Lieutenant Thomas Meehan, who had been transferred over from Baker Company. He was likeable and fair, and unlike his predecessor was actually rather elated to have the only female combat medic in the entire US Army within his very own Company. He was also a strong and competent leader during field exercises; something that had given Easy Company a renewed sense of hope when it came to their chances at surviving this war.

To celebrate Christmas, a party had been organised in one of the larger hangars on base and the entire village had been invited. The party had been all Lucy could talk about over Christmas dinner, and she had made Bill promise to save her at least three dances. Evelyn had dreaded spending Christmas so far away from her family, but she knew she was a lot luckier than most in that at least she had her brother with her. The Jones' had invited him to spend the day, and Mrs Jones had cooked a Christmas dinner so decadent that one would never have known rationing was even in effect at all. Despite the fact that the Jones' had gone to a lot of trouble to make their guests feel welcome and part of the family, Evelyn had been eagerly counting down the hours until they could go to the party and see everyone else. Over the last year, the men of Easy Company had become her other family and she couldn't think of any better people to spend part of Christmas with.

By the time they arrived at the base, the party was in full swing and Lucy's face was alight with excitement. There were coloured paper chains and threaded popcorn hanging from the ceiling and real Christmas trees were ornately decorated on either side of the stage, where a swing band was playing.

"Are they friends of yours?" Mr Jones asked, nodding towards the bar. Evelyn broke into a grin as she saw Malarkey and Skip waving excitedly.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I'll go and say hello to them in a minute. Let's find somewhere to sit first?"

"Nonsense," Mrs Jones said, shrugging off her coat and draping it over her arm. "You've spent all day with us. Go and have some fun with your friends. Besides, I think I've just spotted the Mathesons from next door over in the corner."

Evelyn smiled gratefully, knowing that Mrs Jones was just being polite.

"Can I come too?" Lucy asked, tugging on Bill's jacket sleeve. He looked at her mother who gave a small nod and Lucy all but dragged Bill across the room towards the bar.

Evelyn shook her head, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched her brother being pulled along by an eight year old who was at least half his size.

"If she starts to annoy you too much, send her back," Mrs Jones said. "In fact, if she starts to annoy you, call me over and then at least I've got a good excuse to meet your friends. Handsome bunch, aren't they?"

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," Mr Jones commented.

"Oh don't worry, they're not a patch on you dear," she smiled innocently at her husband before giving Evelyn a sly wink when he wasn't looking.

Laughing, Evelyn headed over to the bar where Bill had plonked Lucy onto one of the bar stools and was making a huge fuss of introducing her to everyone. The second Evelyn got there, she was immediately engulfed in a round of hugs. When it came to George's turn, Evelyn knew he was up to something because he had that infamous George Luz grin plastered on his face. He whipped a piece of mistletoe out from behind his back and held it up above her head.

"Nice try, George," Evelyn smirked. "But I ain't kissing you."

"Evelyn Elizabeth Guarnere, it's Christmas. And I'm pretty sure it is the law that you have to kiss someone under mistletoe at Christmas, and if you don't then you're a spoilsport," George declared.

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