-Thirty Nine-

471 9 3

TW: holocaust

Evelyn was reluctant to get out of bed that morning. The sun was shining through the open window and Joe's arm was wrapped around her waist, his nose nuzzled against her neck, huffing hot air on her skin. For a moment it was easy to forget that they were in war torn Europe and that they weren't just a normal married couple waking up together. She allowed herself to think about when they did finally get home, and she smiled to herself as she imagined them settling down into a little home of their own and just doing things like going out to dinner and taking long walks on the beach.

Joe had already expressed that he wanted to go back to driving his cab, and Evelyn wondered what kind of work she was going to do. Well, that was if her family ever let her actually leave Philly and begin her new married life in San Francisco. She had realised some time ago that she didn't want to go back into nursing. She never wanted to treat wounds or injuries of any kind or watch patients die. She just couldn't do it.

"I can hear your brain ticking," Joe murmured groggily as though he could read her thoughts. "What on earth could you be thinking about right now?"

"What I'm gonna do when we get home," she answered. "You know, for work and stuff."

"You won't have to work," she felt Joe frown against her. "I'll work enough for the both of us and you can just stay home and be a lady of leisure until we pop out some sprogs."

"Of course I wanna work. I'm not gonna be sitting around all day while you pay for everything. Besides, I'd probably lose my mind."

"Hmm, I guess. I thought you wanted to go to college? If you're studying then there's no chance you're working as well."

"I thought I wanted to go to college," she shrugged. "But now I'm not so sure."

"Well, you don't gotta worry about it now, Ev," Joe kissed her neck. "Now just shut up and cuddle me."

"We have to get up," Evelyn chuckled.

"Just two more minutes."

"Mm," Evelyn grinned, snuggling back against him more.

"Keep doing that and we'll need more than two minutes," Joe gripped her hip to still her movements, letting out a grunt of annoyance when she purposefully gave a little wriggle against his obvious desire. "You're pure evil."

"Guilty," she giggled when his fingers prodded her ribs. "We really should get up though. We're moving out again this morning and I'll guarantee at least one face needs patching up this morning or some idiot replacement has had an accident and almost chopped his finger off or something."

"Leave them to it. Just say you were too busy cuddling your handsome husband to be bothered with their pathetic injuries."

"Yeah 'cause that'll go down well with Sink, I'm sure," Evelyn snorted. "Come on, sleepy head, rise and shine. Well, something's already risen but you know what I mean."

She ran down the hallway to the bathroom, screeching when Joe leapt out of bed after her and smacked her playfully on the behind before grabbing her around the waist and pushing her against the closed bathroom door.

"We're definitely gonna be late now," he murmured, his lips kissing her neck as his hand slid in between her legs. "And it's all your fault."

... ... ...

"Oh look, it's the Liebgotts."

Evelyn smirked and flipped George the finger before flinging her bag at his feet and taking the hand he offered to hoist herself up onto the back of the truck just as it lurched away and sent her flying onto his knee.

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