-Thirty Six-

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3rd April, 1945

"George, I can't see a goddamn thing."

"Well I can't let you look because it'll ruin the surprise," George answered, carefully guiding Evelyn along the narrow path.

"I hate surprises," Evelyn grumbled petulantly.

"That's the biggest lie I've ever heard," George snorted. "Look, we're nearly there, ok? There's a step coming up ahead, just be caref-"

"-Ow!" Evelyn hissed as her ankle bone met with the very step George had been talking about. She gritted her teeth as the pain radiated around her foot, in the same manner that an arm tingles when the funny bones get hurt.

"Are you alright?" George asked.

"I'll survive," she glared, not that George could see it given that his sweaty hands were over her eyes. I swear to God, you better have washed those hands, George. She shuddered, dreading to think what germs might currently be wiggling all over her face.

"Ok, now watch out, we're just gonna go through this door. Nice and steady, that's it. We're almost there," George led her through an open doorway. "Alright, are you ready to see your surprise now?"

George removed his hands and Evelyn didn't bother to conceal her disappointment at seeing Liebgott, Babe and Eugene standing in front of her with excited smiles on their faces. She glanced around the room noticing nothing exciting or even remotely out of the ordinary. It was just an office. Fairly dark, a little dusty. She couldn't understand what the big fuss was all about.

"This is my surprise?" she frowned. "You just dragged me halfway across camp, where I nearly broke my neck about a hundred times because of your shitty directions, all for this?"

"Nice to see you too," Liebgott smirked, walking towards her and pulling her close to him.

"Sorry," she grinned. "I'm of course happy to see you guys, but I literally saw you all at breakfast this morning. In fact, I spend almost every waking hour with you all. So you understand why I'm a bit let down by this so called surprise. Where even are we, anyway?"

"Nixon's office," Eugene answered. "I told him that I needed a quiet space for a while, and he was very obliging."

"Why would you do that?" Evelyn asked.

"Oh don't you just love that adorable face she pulls when she doesn't know something? Sometimes I love to wind her up just so I can see that little nose all scrunched up," George chuckled at her confusion.

"Fuck off," she stuck up her middle finger at him. "Can someone please tell me what the fuck we're all doing in Nixon's office? 'Cause I can think of better things to do with my day than stand around here with you lot."

"Well perhaps if you hadn't walked in here and straight away acted like such a mega bitch, we could have told you sooner," Babe raised an eyebrow at her. "Congratulations on becoming a mommy."

And just like the parting of the red sea, Eugene, Babe and George separated to reveal Nixon's desk laden with all kinds of food and drink.

"It's not much but it's the best we could do," Eugene smiled.

"What is all this?" Evelyn gasped, looking around at them all in awe.

"It's a party, you dolt," Babe rolled his eyes.

"For me?"

"No, for the king of England," George tutted. "Of course for you. Our favourite girl is having a baby, so we felt the need for a celebration. And also to show that we're the perfect godfather candidates."

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