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21st July, 1944

"Just calm down, will you? And try not to be too, uh, well, you."

Evelyn turned and eyed Eugene drolly while he just smirked at her. It was Friday evening and Eugene had finally decided that it was time for her to meet the famous Vera. She was pretty sure he had only relented because she continued to pester him almost daily about her, but she didn't care. After months of pestering it was actually happening, and to say that she was excited was a little bit of an understatement. She was positively giddy as they walked through the village and to the small house where Vera lived near to the churchyard.

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Evelyn pouted.

"It's just that sometimes you can be a little, well, excitable," Eugene tried to say kindly. "And you love to ask people all kinds of awkward questions. Of course I find it an endearing quality, don't get me wrong, but for people that aren't used to you, it can be a little off putting."

"Gene, you're acting as though I'm about to walk into her house, shake her hand and ask her what bra size she is or something." Eugene blushed slightly and raised an eyebrow at her. She chuckled and wrapped both of her arms around one of his. "I promise you right now, I will be on my absolute best behaviour, ok? Pinkie promise, Scout's honour, uh... Well I can't think of any others, but you get the idea." Eugene still didn't look exactly convinced though. "Oh Jeez Louise, Eugene, have some faith in me would you?"

"Sorry," Eugene muttered. The air was cool and a few spatters of warm summer rain fell on them as they strolled leisurely. "So, how are you doing?"

"Argh, not you as well," Evelyn groaned, dropping her arms down to her side. "Would everyone stop asking me that? I feel like it's all I ever hear. Evelyn are you alright? Evelyn do you need to talk about it? Evelyn when are you gonna fix things up with Bill? It's driving me mad."

"Alrighty then," Eugene muttered with raised brows. Although in truth, he wasn't the least bit perturbed by her little rant. After two years with her, he was more than a little used to them.

They walked in comfortable silence for the rest of the way until they came to a small house, set back from the others. The black painted metal gate squealed indignantly as Eugene pushed it open gently, and before they could even make it half way up the garden path the front door opened wide to reveal a slender red haired woman with a beaming smile. Evelyn glanced beside her to Eugene who had the same smile plastered on his face. Well aren't they smitten little kittens?

In all honesty though it was rather adorable. She held back a little as Eugene and the woman embraced each other tenderly. Eugene cupped her face and kissed her softly on the lips. Evelyn was a little surprised that he would show such affection in front of her, but at the same time it was nice to see a side of Eugene that wasn't always so reserved and proper, especially around women.

"You must be Evelyn? I'm Vera. I'm so happy to finally meet you at last," the woman turned her attention to Evelyn, who held out a hand to her. But the woman chuckled sweetly and pulled her in for a small hug. "I feel as though I know you so well already from all that Gene's told me that we can dispense with the formalities, don't you think? I've been begging Gene to let me meet you for so long but he's always saying you're too busy."

"Is that right?" Evelyn threw Eugene a pointed look over Vera's shoulder. He glanced at the floor uncomfortably.

"You must come out of the rain, the pair of you," Vera smiled warmly. "Rosie, that's my sister, has gone out for the night so it's just us three for dinner tonight."

Vera led them into the living room and took their jackets before muttering something about getting drinks from the kitchen. Evelyn noticed that Eugene's eyes never left Vera as she bustled around the kitchen busily. Sitting down on the couch, Evelyn glanced around the homely living room that wasn't too dissimilar from the Jones'. However, one thing that set it apart was the sheer volume of photographs dotted around the room. She recognised Vera in many of them.

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