Ch. 6

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                                                   Mira POV 

I am currently sitting with my legs criss crossed, My sword in my lap as I sat against a tree watching all these boys dance to a flute you can't even bloody hear. Pan is sitting on a tall rock as he played the instrument. 

All these boys do is play bloody games and party. If I wanted to waste my time doing this I would be back in the enchanted forest at a bloody tavern. 

I have been humoring Pan and doing as he says. Playing games, Meeting him at ludicrous locations. He once tried kissing me I simply just shoved him away telling him he tries that again and he's going to lose his front teeth.

He just simply laughed and said I had fire. He better be prepared to be burned if he likes fire so much. 

He showed me the entire island informing me of the dangers. The Dreamshade. The killer mermaids. Not to mention Tigerlily and her tribe. Step into their territory and you're done for. 

I put my sword away and stand up. I walk away from camp. Bored out of my skull. I hike up the mountain that I am standing on cliffs edge. Watching the sea. The dangerous waves. 

The sea.... Is all I've ever known. I grew up on a ship. With one goal in my mind destroy the dark one. The one who took my mother from me. 

I wonder what Papa is doing this very moment? Is he looking for the dark one still? Or has he gone off course because of me? 

I get close to the edge looking down at the rocks at the bottom. and in the somewhat dark water you can see the mermaids. 

I look back at the horizon of water, My hair blowing as the wind ruffled my clothes. 

"So this is where you wandered off too." I heard a voice

I turn around to see Felix, Pan's right hand man, Me and Him By some miracle have become friends. 

"Yeah." I said looking back at the sea

I miss the sea. The sound of the sails, The wooden floor boards under you're boots. the sound of the waves hitting the ship. the spray of the sea on your face. The feel of the wind. 

"I came here to ask if you want to spar a little?" He asked 

"You want to fight me?" I asked turning around looking at him with a smirk

Sure I have been training with the other boys. But I have never went against Pan or Felix. 

He smirked at me. 

"What afraid?" He asked 

I chuckled 

"Of course not just don't want to bruise your ego." I said 

He let out a laugh. 

We started walking back. Also Pan still hasn't told me about how to kill the dark one or where to find him. 

Which might I add is starting to piss me off. I am going to confront him about this today, I'm tired of biding by his rules and him not keeping his end of the deal.

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