Ch. 23

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                                                Mira POV 

After much pondering, and consulting with Felix, and trying to convince myself that I really shouldn't I made my decision, I placed my hand on Felix's shoulder and walked towards the camp, I don't see him anywhere though, 

I decide to look for him in his tree house, And there I find him sitting on his bed, carving something with a knife, I clear my throat and he quickly makes the object disappear, which I find odd, 

"So have you decided?" He asked standing up smirking at me, 

That smug smirk, 

"Yes, but I have one condition." I say 

"Name it." He says 

"If the crocodile ever sets foot on this island, You tell me so I can end him myself," I say 

He is now standing in front of me, hooking his fingers under my chin, 

"What has the dark one done to you that you want him dead so badly, I've seen anger in you before, But not to this extent, I see rage behind those Icy blue eyes of yours." He says 

"He killed my mother, And I simply want to return the favor." I say my words full of venom, 

He smirked, 

"Alright love, it's a deal." He says 

"So you agree to be my queen and stay here with me?" He asked 

"Yes." I say 

"Excellent." He says with a smirk

His lips connect with mine, backing me up until we fall on the mattress, His hands skimming over my sides, My hands pull his tunic over his head and throw it on the floor, He pins my hands at each side of my head, 

"Ah, Ah love I'm in control here." He says with a smirk

"You're not-" I began but his lips connect where my neck meets my shoulder, causing me to arch my back, 

                                      Time Skip

The boys dance around the fire cheerfully, As Me and Peter sit beside one another, He just announced that I am and forever Queen of Neverland and I'm here to stay, To be honest I didn't expect all the lost boys to be so excited, I mean I did mess up a few of them sparing or even training them, 

You think they would have something against me for that, I mean I don't give a rats ass, But it was confusing, 

So now everyone was celebrating, Felix was standing near a tree with his arms crossed and smirking at me, I mouthed what? To him, 

He pointed to his neck then to me, 

I rolled my eyes, It's no doubt that Peter left his mark again, I grumbled as I stood up walking out of camp, but something wasn't right, I felt odd, just as I took another step My vision started to double, I shake my head only to fall to my knees and start coughing, and wheezing, Blood covered my hand I looked at my hand in disbelief, As I gasped for air, 

Suddenly I fell to the ground, falling into the deep abyss of darkness.

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