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                                                     Mira POV 

My time on this island is starting to mash together, I can't tell if I have been here months, Weeks or years. The last time I was here I was with Papa and it took forever for us to get off this bloody island thanks to Pan. 

My sparing match with Pan was eventful He didn't use any magic so he fought fair and I ended up besting him. it took a while granted he put up a good fight and challenge but he failed to realize I grew up around pirates I know how to hold my own. 

After I won I demanded he tell me how to kill the bloody crocodile and he smirked at me asking why I had such a vendetta against him. I just rolled my eyes storming off I should have known he wouldn't hold up his end of the bargain. 

It pissed me off. I am currently sitting against a tree in the sand watching the waves of the ocean.Lost boys, Indians, Fairies. mermaid, Neverland hold plenty of danger and adventure that I always have craved. But knowing the dark one is still out there. Still breathing only fuels my rage. 

I hear someone walking towards me and see Felix. 

"So this is where you have been?' He asked 

I nodded 

"The waves calm me down from strangling Pan with my bare hands." I say in my accent 

He lets out a low belly laugh. 

"You wanna go hunting with me?" He asks 

"Sure why not." I said as we were about to leave I got a strong sense we were being watched I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I stopped in my track looking around 

I didn't see anyone. 

"What is it?" Felix asked 

"Nothing." I say and followed him into the dark forest still not being able to shake the feeling. 

We were crouched as Felix took down a huge deer. 

"Nice shot." I say 

"Thanks." He responded suddenly I hear a twig snap and see a arrow heading straight fro Felix I push him out of the way and get a arrow embedded in the back of my shoulder blade I his in pain. 

"Mira!" Felix yelled he checks my wound. 

"It's in deep." He says 

"It's fine. We're not alone." I say as I get to my feet. 

"Observant for a pirate." I hear a deep voice 

suddenly we are surrounded. 

"Who are they?" I ask below a whisper to Felix 

"Remember when we said tigerlilly and her tribe?" He asked 

I nodded 

"This is them." He says with venom. 

"This is also not their part of the island." He said glaring at the leader 

"We want more land so we take one of you in exchange for more land." The leader said 

"You know that will only make Pan retaliate." I say 

The leader chuckles 

"It's worth a shot." I pull out my sword. 

"Felix. I'll hold them off you go get pan." I say below a whisper 

"Are you nuts! I'm not leaving you." He says 

I glare at him. 

"I'm not arguing with you on this! Go now!" I glared at him showing him I am in no mood to argue with him 

He nodded I attacked each and everyone of them holding them off as best as I could with an arrow in my shoulder but then my vision started blurring. My limbs started feeling like jelly. 

I hear a chuckle 

"Looks like the toxin made it in your blood stream pirate." The leader says 

My sword falls to the ground and so do I. 

"Take her. Pan will agree to my terms if he wants the antidote." He says the last thing I see before loosing consciousness is the leader smiling 

                                      Pan POV 

After Felix found me we made our way to where they were only to find Mira's sword. and a note with a knife embedded in a tree to hold the note. 

"Meet us at this location at dawn to discuss negotiations or your pirate friends dies." 

I was beyond pissed. 

"Get the boys ready. Tiger Lilly and her tribe are going to learn what happens when they cross me." I say darkly 

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