Chapter 1

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With his back straight and head held high, the Mandalorian walks in a canteen that is full with bounty hunters, like he is, watching him. He stops in front of an older man that looks pleased to see him back from his recent job.  "Ah, that was fast. Did you catch them all?"  The Mandalorians response was placing three holographic pucks on the table in front of him. The other man nodded.

"Good. I'll begin the off-load." The man looked around Mando, speaking in another language to someone to collect the bounties form Mandos ship. As Mando sat down, the man pulled out some credits on the table. "These are Imperial credits." Said the Mandalorian.

"They still spend."

"I don't know if you heard, but the Empire is gone."

"It's all I've got." Replied the man and leaned back. Mando went to grab the pucks he brought back but the man was quick to grab Mandos hand to stop him. "Save the theatrics. Fine, I'll..." He dug his hand to his pockets to search for some other type of currency. "I can do Calamari Flan. But I can only pay half."  The Mandalorian considered it, then with a simple 'fine' took the money from the table.

"Hmm, I have a bail jumper. A bail jumper, another bail jumper, a wanted smuggler." The man started stacking up some new pucks for him to take.

"I'll take them all" Replied Mando with raspy voice of the modulator.

"No, hold on. There are other members of the Guild and this is all I have." He protectively placed his hands on the pucks.

"Why so slow?"

It's not slow at all, actually. Very busy. They just don't want to pay Guild rates. They don't mind if things get sloppy." He chuckled.

"What's your highest bounty?" Asked Mando a moment later.

"Not much. 5000?" He pursed his lips.

"That won't even cover fuel these days."

"There is one, well two jobs. And I happen to know that one of them is a lost princess with some weird magical powers." He leaned forward and sounded a bit secretive and mysterious to the Mandalorian. It slightly intrigued him as he sat still, looking at the man before him.

"Let's see the puck."

"No puck." The Mandalorian was getting more interested but puzzled by the man's revelation. "Face to face. Direct commission. Deep pocket."

"Underworld?" Mando asked. It all sounded a bit suspicious and strange, but he needs the money and besides, a job is a job.

"All I know is no chain code."  He pulled out a chit out of his pocket. "Do you want the chit or not?" The Mandalorian grabbed it a bit hesitantly, got up and left the canteen.

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