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"RING,RING,RING" my alarm clock went off.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and stretched out as far I could, causing a yawn to escape my lips.

pulling myself into an upright position I walked over to the other side of the room were Ava slept.

"Hey Ava wake up its time "

I tapped Ava and shook her, she got up stretching her arms.

"What's the time?" she said sluggishly.

I looked at the time and turned to Ava "we have to dress, the plan is in motion, go get Eduardo the luggage's are all packed I took Eduardo's yesterday".

"I rushed to the bathroom and came back within a minute.

Then Ava left the room rushing to the bathroom.

I picked up my favorite dress my blue crop top and jeans and my blue hoodie with my white sneakers.

I dried my blonde hair and combed it down I took a quick glance at the mirror,

just then Ava returned from the bathroom drying her hair with a towel.

"Ava meet me at the field" I said while leaving the room.

I walked down the hallway to miss Catherine's office most time she came early.

I knocked at miss Catherine's door.

"Come in".

"Emily what are you doing here by this time its 6am" miss Catherine my counselor said.

"Well I couldn't sleep so I got up early and thought of coming here".

"Emilia today is a hard for you like last year and I know you've been going through a lot so today spend the time with your brother ok"

"Yes I will, bye" I said while hugging her then I left the room.

Her words reminded me of my parents and memories of my past hit me with force.

7th June,2019

I was at my room watching movies while my brother was playing with one of our nannies kids, it was 4pm in the afternoon Dad and mum just came back from work I quickly ran downstairs.

'How are you kids?" My mum said already hugging Eduardo.

"fine just trying to finish up homework while I text James. " I said smiling as I took a seat and sat down.

"that's great" mum said eyeing me she new I had a crush on him.

"so whats up with you dad I thought you said you will be coming home late this week" I asked curiously dad has been coming home late recently he said he has a big project.

"Its the launch of our new
Smart watch that has more features that any smart watch in the world" he said sounding so excited he kept on talking about how this gadget had changed history.

"wow, that's cool dad lets go celebrate" I said really wanting to go out, this is actually a cause to celebrate I know how much dad has worked for this and this should be a step up in his career.

"ok Em, take your brother upstairs and go freshen up"

I ran to my room with Eduardo running to his, his nanny following him.

I ran through a bunch of clothes in my closet I wanted to look casual so I picked a blue crop top and jeans and I wore my blue hoodie with my white sneakers I took a quick glance at the mirror and ran downstairs.

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