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"This is our new home!" I said as my brother kept looking at the house in disbelief it was nothing special its just that he wondered how I could afford something like that it was a moderate house with a small porch and garden.

"Come on, annoying human lets go inside" Ava said while she knocked Eddy's head.

"Ouch, Avaaaaaa" he said while Ava ran to the door and Eddy ran after her while I removed the luggage's from the car.

"Guys I am not carrying your luggage's inside" I said with a slight smirk then I picked up my bag and luggage and walked to the door leaving the others behind on the floor.

"Sbalzo" my brother said in Italian.

"you called me a jerk how dare you, I said running towards him and ruffling his hair":

"Go and pick your luggage's"

"ok sis, Ava come lets pick our luggage's"

I opened the door and walked into the house, me and Ava bought last week with my prize money It was still the same with 2 sofa's a small tv on the wall a kitchen at the background with a small dining table,

I quickly went upstairs to drop my luggage and heard the door open from downstairs it must be Ava and Eddy,

I continued walking, Till I reached the end of the stairs it was just a small hallway at each side were two rooms one was the master bedroom for me and Ava and the other a small bedroom for Eddy there is a bathroom and toilet at the end for visitors.

I entered me and Ava's room the wall was covered in violet and there was a small bathroom in the room, Eddy would have to manage the visitors bathroom,

I dropped my luggage and ran to the bed jumping on it this was more comfortable than our beds back at the orphanage. there was a small wardrobe in the room that would fit our clothes and a desk and chair it was a nice room just need some decorating.

"Em my room is amazing" Eddy said as he pushed my room door open.

I knew he was just appreciative this was not closed to what we're used too but it was better than the orphanage.

"your welcome"

Just then Ava walked in.

" But next time Uardo make sure you knock because this is technically our room now ok"

"Yes Ava"

" Go take a shower"

"ok I do kinda smell" I just chuckled and Eddy left the room.

" Em what are we going to do? We used all your prize money to pay rent, register Uardo and me in a public school we don't have any money except a little money for groceries."

me and Ava had planned this for a long time, Ava hacked into the competitions sever adding me as one of the contestants with a fake identity it was an all state trivia competition winner gets a lot of prize money and a scholarship to any school of your choice which was perfect.

It was an online competition with a webcam and everything but I won, Ava sneaked out of the orphanage bought a house online with a fake identity and buy all the furniture.

She also managed to put bought her and Eduardo in school just not he same with mine.


" calm down girl will get a part time job some where, ill just go grocery shopping take care of Eddy"

"ok but school starts on Monday so we need school supplies so buy that too"

"ok I've go it"

I left the house walking down the street I really needed to clear my head I spent last week reading and preparing for this competition that would get me prize money and a scholarship to any school in the state and that's what I wanted I really needed to go to MAXWELL HIGH the school for scholars or freeking rich kids it was the school for mighty politicians,

and after surfing the whole internet for Mr. Rossi the guy i'm sure is responsible for my parents murder the only thing i could find was that his son would be attending MAXWELL HIGH its like he didn't want media confrontations or being on the internet so that's what ill be doing investigating at the school manipulating his son and getting my justice.

I kept walking untill I bumped into someone,  I quickly muttered a sorry and walked past the guy into the grocery store I picked a few things we would need at home like toothpaste, some food items that we would last us at least a week.

I left the store and walked down to a store which sold school supplies I bought some for myself, Ava and Eddy then I paid the cashier and left holding three bags.

I had only about 20 dollars remaining I really needed to get a job.

It was already 1pm I walked back home and entered the house meeting Ava sleeping and Eddy playing games.

" Your back" Eddy said hugging me.

" Ok, ok so let me make lunch, and before I forget these are your school supplies"

"Thanks" Eddy said going upstairs.

I entered the kitchen and got to work and made Lasagna I set the table and poured orange juice in three cups.

" Eddy come downstairs and have lunch" I shouted and heard him come downstairs.

Then I walked up to Ava on the couch and woke her up and we all walked up to the table and had lunch.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A day had already passed and it was Sunday night tomorrow I would start my new school and my plan I had made a special dinner and we had already retorted to bed.

I was lying down with Ava by my side fast asleep I kept thinking about tomorrow I couldn't sleep I walked over to the desk and picked my phone and looked at a family photo of my family and cried.

I cried for Eddy, for my mum my Dad, my life what would it be like if they were still alive I kept on crying and then I looked at the mirror I looked horrible I wiped my tears,

And I screamed you will pay
" Mr Rossi your whole family will  pay, you'll suffer the same way i am suffering"

Ava woke up and comforted me and I cried hugging her she was like my big sister.

"Tomorrow is close just wait I told myself"

And I fell into a dreamless sleep next to Ava.

Thanks everyone we've come to the end of another chapter.

what do you think tomorrow will hold for Emily and what do you think she will do when she meets Jack?

find out in the following chapters and comment your answers also please vote and follow me thanks bye love all.

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