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I woke up around 6am in the morning some habits don't change I quickly picked out one of my best casual dresses a blue skirt with a multi colored top I arranged it on the bed,

then I picked my black Nike sneakers and placed it next to my bed,

my Uncle wasn't that heartless at least he met us each year and bought us dresses, gadgets and books.

This was one of the dresses he bought me although I didn't know whether he really enjoyed buying these things or if he was legally forced either way it truly helped us.

I picked my towel and walked into the bathroom having a warm bath after bathing to satisfaction I dried my body and use the towel to cover my body.

I came out and dressed up wearing my dress and shoes when done I quickly combed my long blonde hair down and put some mascara and lip gloss I then looked at the mirror and smiled at the result.

Arranging my school supplies and books in my bag I walked downstairs to prepare breakfast bacon and eggs with some fruits by the side,

when I was  done I saw my brother and Ava walk downstairs all dressed up with their bags.

"Hmm something smells good" Eddy said jokingly.

"Stop joking around come let's eat breakfast" I said setting plates Ava helping.

We sat down and ate breakfast then all of us left the house I locked the door and Edward and Ava told me good bye since they we're going to the same direction.

I walked the other way the school wasn't that far from the house like 2 blocks away and a turn.

I kept walking putting on my earplugs and listening to songs currently I was listening to Bruises by Lewis Capaldi it always calmed me down I started singing the song

" There must be something in the water, and every day is getting colder if only I could hold ya"

I started humming the song,
when I was younger dad bought me a guitar and piano on my request and I took classes I was really into music and hip hop dancing, poetry and so as soon as my Dad died I stopped singing and dancing.

It just reminded me of them but I do still sing on my own I soon reached school finally I was here I put my phone in my bag and walked to the school entrance.

I entered the school and looked for the principal's office.

" Umm excuse me do you know where the principal's office is?"

I asked someone.

" Oh you must be the new student I was assigned to show around the school my name's Vicky i'm a Junior "

"My name's Emily nice to meet you"

"Come let's go"

We went to the principals office I knocked The door and a stern voice asked me to come in

I opened the door slightly and walked in shutting the door behind me,

I looked up to see a woman in her late forties with a stern look, she looked like someone who had spent her whole life behind a desk and computer.

" You must be Emily the girl who won the States Brain competition we got a call that you would like to come here are you with your credentials" she said with no expression except anger.

"Yes their with me"

"Why have your parents not contacted me?"

I knew this question will pop up if I told her my real name she would search in the system and put me back in the orphanage.

"I am in foster care and my foster parents are really busy and I told them I could register myself"

I said while I handed  my credentials.

Two days ago I hacked into the system and put up a fake name so if she searches the name in my files in the system it will coresspond with the fact that am in foster care I did this for Ava and my brother too.

"Emily Aldo Ricardo
  15years old
   All À+
   Soccer player" she said.

Everything there was true except the name I needed to change my name here at school if I was too succeed.

"Ok, welcome to MAXWELL HIGH everything seems to be verified so pickup your Schedule at the secretary office bye and have a nice day" she said while waving her hand for me to leave.

I left the room and found Vicky waiting for me shocking I check the time on my watch 8:00am.

" You were waiting for me aren't you late for class" I asked.

" Class starts 8:30am and am supposed to show you around ok so first let's go pick your schedule and locker card"

she said dragging me to the secretary office we both knocked and after we heard come in we entered the office.

" You must be Emily these are your schedule and locker card and Id you must were your ID card all times as it's like a key opening your locker" she said handing them to me.

"Thanks"I said as I looked at my Id it had my name, locker number and label as a freshman.

We walked out of her office
" Wow you are a really smart student to be doing all AP classes and be a scholar you know this school doesn't take anything less than 4.0 for a scholar"

She said looking at my schedule "we both have English class together and maths before lunch I take the regular in those subjects that's why we have the same class"

" Cool" I said it seems like I've made a friend.

Vicky spend the remaining 26 minutes showing me my locker and the whole school from the gym to the boys and girls locker room to the cafeteria, the toilets, the school field and then the music room.

We walked upstairs to class were we would be having English class and she took her seat.

" Oh, Emily take a seat next to Jack there isn't any more seats next to me" I nodded my head walked over to the guy she was pointing and took a seat next to him.

Suddenly a male teacher in his early thirties entered the class.

" So students have you all done your assignments"

" Yes Mr. Smith" everybody replied in unison annoyed.

" We have a new student in our midst can you please introduce yourself and all of us will give you a warm welcome"

Now I know why everybody was annoyed are we in preschool he acted like we couldn't understand English he talked slowly and now he was asking me to introduce myself shit,shit,shit.

" Uh my name is Emily, I'm 14 I just joined your school" that's all I could say at least I said something
Rather than ignoring the teacher.

" Students the warm welcome"

" We welcome you to our warm heaven of peace and and sunshine" all the students said in unison deadly.

" Uh thanks" I just felt  kinda weird for allowing the students to say such annoying things.

" Don't worry we do this for all new students everyone here has had the same experience" Jack the guy sitting next to me at the back said noticing my expression.

" My name is Jack" he said.

"And I have a feeling we have met before"

"How is that possible we just met"
I wondered.

"Two day's ago grocery store"

Then it hit me, I looked at his pair blue eyes and remembered I bumped into him.

Thanks guys I've come to the end of another chapter.

Now that Emily has met a boy will it become a distraction or a detriment to her success?

Well maybe next chapter there will be a Jack pov we never know.

Pls everyone vote, comment and follow.


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