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There was an awkward silence in the car I was sitting at the passenger seat and every minute more like seconds Jeremy would look at me through the review mirror.

It was starting to get uncomfortable and I was not planning to die by an unfocused driver.

"okay why are you looking at me every now and then"

" I don't know what you mean?" he replied focusing on the road.

I was getting annoyed by his answer and wanted to reply when we both heard Jack shuffling.

"you know Dad you are a coward, terrible father, uncaring bastard who doesnt deserve me as a son" Jack said with his eyes closed he was still drunk.

Jeremy sighed and drove as if he didn't just insult his Dad.

"you know Dad I hate you with a passion, you are a terrible father to me and Jevy" he shuffled a bit and rearranged his position he opened his eyes and then closed them back.

"A father whose daughter is in the hospital and he doesn't care" he said now awake but heavily drunk he punched my car seat and wept bitterly.

I wanted to comfort him as his tears tugged my heart but he stopped weeping and just smiled a bad smile more of a smirk.

Jeremy stop driving the car and I turned around we were in front of a huge gate.

Jeremy looked at Jack and sighed.

"Jack were at your house"

He seemed to just acknowledge our presence and scowled once seeing his gate.

" Jeremy this place isn't a house or a home it's a building with my father's name on it, no ones home apart from dad and likely mom and house staff" he said laughing as if it was funny.

Jeremy seemed worried he then realised what he said earlier his sister is in the hospital, he must have thought alcohol was speaking.

"I need to get to the hospital Nanny must be taking care of Jevy and she is ssoooo alone as daddy and mommy are in their world" he said with emphasis on his parents.

Jeremy frowned.

"what exact happened to Ana?" He asked.

"you mean Jevy she was coughing blood and pale I was super scared so was Nanny but she is in the hospital and guess what fate has determined to be cruel, stage 2 lung cancer with her athsma this is rare" he chuckled as if it was funny.

Jeremy paled and I froze, his sister had cancer.

That moment he went unconscious again.

"Ana has cancer" Jeremy was trying to come to terms with it while I was feeling sympathy he was going through a hard phase in his life.

After 5 minutes Jeremy seemed to get a grip on himself, he picked his phone and dialed a number.

Whoever he called picked up the phone, he was on the phone with the person for about 3 min before he hanged up.

I checked the time it was 8:30 pm.

"OK what are we going to do?"

"I called his sister's nanny and she said everything with Ana is stable she will stay over the night and probably we should take him inside,
his mom is at the hospital while his dad isn't at home since he called her informing her, so we can peacefully enter" he said I nodded my head and he alerted the security of his arrival.

They seemed to be Familiar with him and soon we were already parking in Jack's family parking lot which was filled with amazing cars again not surprised.

I left my seat and helped Jeremy pull Jack out of the car once he was out Jeremy managed to lift his weight on his shoulder and pull him inside.

I followed taking my stuff out of the car.

I entered the mansion and I was admiring the interior design and decor.

I slowly followed Jeremy up the stairs as he led me to Jack's room we finally reached a door on the second floor he pushed it open revealing a classic man cave.

The walls were painted black and Navy blue that was the only color style in his room he had a computer a mid sized TV a king sized bed his own PS5 and Oculos,

two doors stuck in the room one should be the bathroom and toilet from experience and the other a walk in closet.

Jeremy lay Jack on the bed while I removed his shoes and tried to remove his Jacket with Jeremy's help which eventually was a success.

We pulled the blanket over him while Jack muttered some words and snuggled in.

"ummm let me get some pain reliever to put on the desk beside his bed so when he wakes up he won't feel like shit" Jeremy said and left me alone with this dude who was unconscious.

Something caught my eye the pics on his bed he had one with him and his sister he looked about 12 in the pic and his sis about 6 he looked cute.

His pics reminded me of Aves but I dismissed it.

Jeremy came into the room and put the stuff on his desk and set his alarm.

"OK I'm staying here but I will drop you, are you going home or back to the party?"

"home and I can go by myself" I said ready to bolt right out of the doors, I want ready for anyone to knowy address.

"OK but I will still drive you and besides what kind of man would I be if I let the girl who helped my man go home alone and get kidnapped, drugged or worse" he said looking at me the directly with his Hazel eyes.

"your technically 16 or 17 and so you are not a man but a gross boy with hormones" I replied leaving the room.

"let's just go, the dude will never forgive me if left you" he said following me.

I decided to allow him and ask him to drop me off 2 streets or blocks away.

WE drove silently and soon I got to my destination I told him my house was close and waved at him while wishing a good night.

Then I made my 10 mins walk to my house.

I opened my phone and found a lot of missed calls

10 from Aves probably wondering whether I'm OK.
6 from Maria wondering where I am.
4 from Vicky the same with Maria.

I just texted I'm alright and on my way home to Ava then to other girls something came up I'll explain later.

Once I was done I kept my phone and made the long walk home.

Hey guys thanks for reading another chapter pls vote, comment and share to others

Who wants Jack's pov should indicate in the comments that would be helpful.

Should Aves also have a backstory and pov soon?

We'll find out in the next chaps anyway love you all have a nice day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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