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"This is your new home" Said the social services lady.

I walked In with Eduardo and all the kids looked at us, After the registration I was put in the girls dorm I walked inside looking for my room number and just then I found it room 35, I knocked the door and a brown haired girl with emerald green eyes opened the door she is beautiful.

"uh, hello are you my new roommate"


"come in" The girl said.

The room wasn't big, but not small it just wasn't what I was used too, there were two beds on each side of the room, one standing fan , a small window, a wardrobe and a closet on each side.

"Do you like the room?" the girl asked.

"It isn't what am used too but its ok" I said.

"Not what your used too are you some sort of spoilt girl" she said laughing.

I had never really been called spoilt girl, and what did she mean by that.

"ok I guess from your look and your reply earlier you should be new to an orphanage"

"my name is Ava what's yours"

"Emilia but my friends call me Em, nice to meet you"

And that is how I met my best friend, the girl who would always protect me from bully's, who was there for me when I needed her, who helped me fit in, helped me move on from my parents death, helped me take care of Eduardo, the only one believed that my parents death wasn't suicide but murder and the only one who supports or knows about my revenge plan such an amazing friend.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


June 6th,2023

Night time


I sneaked out of the room, Ava was sound asleep I can't blame her we've been working all morning.

I tiptoed towards the boys dorm if I was caught I would be in a lot of trouble but me and Ava had done this so many times that we've become experts.

I tip toed down the hall way and got to Eduardo's room I opened the door slowly and it made a creaking sound but Eduardo was fast asleep he has always been a heavy sleeper so was his roommate.

I entered the room and closed it tightly then I got into motion I took his things and arranged them in a luggage I put all his video games, clothes, laptop and his comics, books everything he owned and arranged them in his luggage.

I picked the luggage and tip toed back to my room dragging the luggage behind me praying no one would wake up.

Once I entered my room I kept the luggage under my bed next to mine and Ava's,

I put the alarm on 6am and I sluggishly went to my bed and soon I blacked out.

June 7th,2023


"RING,RING,RING" my alarm clock went off.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and stretched out as far I could, causing a yawn to escape my lips.

pulling myself into an upright position I walked over to the other side of the room were Ava slept.

"Hey Ava wake up its time"

I tapped Ava and shook her, she got up stretching her arms.

"What's the time?" she said sluggishly.

I looked at the time and turned to Ava "we have to dress, the plan is in motion, go get Eduardo the luggage's are all packed I took Edwuardo's yesterday".

"I rushed to the bathroom and came back within a minute.

Then Ava left the room rushing to the bathroom.

I picked my favorite dress my blue crop top and jeans and my blue hoodie with my white sneakers I dried my blonde hair and combed it down I took a quick glance at the mirror,

just then Ava returned from the bathroom drying her hair with a towel.

"Ava meet me at the field" I said while leaving the room.

I walked down the hallway to miss Catherine's office most time she came early.

I knocked at miss Catherine's door.

"Come in".

"Emily what are you doing here by this time its 6am" miss Catherine my counselor said.

"Well I couldn't sleep so I got up early and thought of coming here".

"Emilia today is a hard for you like last year and I know you've been going through a lot so today spend the time with your brother ok"

"Yes I will, bye" I said while hugging her then I left the room.

Her words reminded me of my parents and memories of my past came striking with force.

The hallways were quiet everyone was forced to wake up by 6:30 am, so I have 30 minutes to leave this place I ran to the field and met Ava and a confused Eduardo.

"Do you have everything?"

"yes, take your luggage and your school bag" Ava said.

" Ok so we will escape from the emergency exit a taxi is already waiting for us I handled the security guards so we're clear" I said.

"WE'RE ESCAPING, WHERE WOULD WE GO?" Eduardo screamed.

"sssssssh I have it all planned out" I said in a low tone.

we ran to the other hallway leading to the classrooms we tiptoed all the way to the emergency exit I had bribed the security men earlier so they easily give us way.

" your trying to escape" miss. Sarah head of the orphanage screamed.

We ran outside not looking back but the luggage's were heavy slowing us down just then the taxi I had booked appeared right on time we all entered and it drove away from that nasty place.

"What have you guys done were in so much trouble" Eduardo said panicked.

"don't worry I planned this carefully"

there was an akward silence throughout the 1 hour ride.

Just then we arrived at our new house starting point of my revenge plan.

Thanks guys I've finished another chapter please follow, vote and comment if You have any suggestions or tips please put in the comments.

❤️❤️😍😍To all.

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