Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13


Zoro's POV


I don't even feel like I'm in the mood to drink booze right now. All I can think about is the fact that Master Koushirou is dead, no longer in this world, but in the next. And the village where I lived in as a child, even though it is small, was wiped out in the process.

I heard people knocking on the door to the Crow's Nest. "Hic, ugh," I said, crying, and unlocked the door.

"Sanji... what are you doing? Why are you coming in here for?" I said like an idiot. Tears were sliding down my cheeks and I was unable to hold them.

"Something bad happened. Right?" Sanji told him.

"Just leave me alone..."


Sanji's POV


I decided I should read the letter so I at least knew what was going on.

To: Roronoa Zoro

From: Aoki Kiyoshi

Roronoa Zoro,

My name is Kiyoshi, and I used to live in Shimotsuki Village with our Master, Koushirou. A few days ago, an incident occured in Shimotsuki Village, and everyone had to flee for there lives. Unfortunately, only myself and two others survived this incident.

If you are wondering what the incident was, a band of pirates called the Bluejam Pirates. I have written you this letter not only to tell you master's last words, but to also give you a message from those pirates.

The last words of Koushirou were...

Sanji stopped reading.

"Can I continue?" he asked Zoro, and all he got was a dejected nod in reply. So, he continued reading aloud.

Zoro. Take care of yourself and your crew. I know you will do whatever it takes to help your captain, and I understand that. But don't back down on your dream. Kuina died and some of her last words said that you would be the greatest swordsman of all time.

"Zoro!" Sanji said, as Zoro was putting his face on sanji's lap, sobbing uncontrollably.

"J-just continue. I need to know the message from those assy pirates," Zoro said.

The words from the Bluejam Pirates go as follows: 'Swordsman. You know that pathetic captain of yours? Well, he's going to pay. After finally escaping from the hands of the nobles, we made our escape from the Goa kingdom, and our now ready to take down the straw hats. See you in the grand line.'

But please, do not listen to them. Master would never want you to back down like this. So, please stay strong, and if you would like too hear more feel free to call me. Here is my transponder snail number.

Zoro continued crying on Sanji, and Sanji was lost for words.

"Should I tell the captain?" Sanji asked him. "I know that he grew up near the Goa Kingdom as a child, so he might have some interesting revelations."

"Y-yesh," Zoro said, tears falling down.

"Make sure to lock the door," Sanji whispered, and left the room.

"SANJI!" he head the crew shout. He heard a mix of things being thrown at him, like "how is he?" and "will he be alright?" and "what was in that letter?"

"Calm down, calm down. I need to ask Luffy something."

"Yeah what is it?" Luffy said, confused.

"Do you have any memories of the Bluejam pirates?"

Luffy grunted at the ground. "Yes, I do. They kidnapped me when I was a young boy. Ace and Sabo saved my butt. This was before we even considered each other brothers."

"What did they do to you when you were kidnapped?"

"They beat me up, and I was hanged and laughed at. It was more than a nightmare, Sanji. It was like I was being tortured for answers about Ace and Sabo, but even worse," Luffy said. "But thankfully, they got caught by the world nobles and had become their slaves. So all's well ends well if you know what I mean."

"Well, I have bad knews for you. Those damn pirates are back in action, and they apparently escaped from the word nobles.

Luffy looked horrified. "What are they after?"

"Well, it seems like they won't be attacking anyone else's hometowns. They are headed to the grand line," I said.

"What do you mean attacked someone's hometown?" Luffy asked.

"I mean that Zoro's hometown was attacked and only 3 survivors- the one who taught him the art of sword is dead," Sanji said.

The whole crew gave freaked out expressions at him.

"I-it can't be true, can it?" Nami said. "My hometown is right next to the grand line!"

"Don't worry, Nami-swan. I don't think they are after you. They are after Zoro, the first mate of the crew," Sanji said, reassuringly.

"And it seems as if they are headed towards the grand line. They will probably end up as powerful as we were by the time they reach Sabaody-"

"How do you know they'll make it," Franky asked.

"Simple. Their ship has motors. It goes real fast," Luffy said.

"Damn them," Franky said, stomping on the ground.

"Plus, they already had bounties before they were captured. The captain was worth 14,300,000," Luffy said.

"Zoro is, well. He isn't doing well. I plan to take care of him as he did for me. If you all don't mind," Sanji said.

"Yeah!" Chopper said. "And since you're a cook, you could easily cook up something delicious for him.

Sanji smiled. "Thanks, guys."


Author's Note


Word count: 859 words!


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