Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15


Luffy's POV


I wonder. What was even going on in Zoro's mind?

I remember when Blue-Jam imprisoned me. It was terrible. I was beat up. But I would never, ever tell Ace and Sabo's secret. It was their treasure, they are the ones who stole it fair in square, and nothing Bluejam's bandits said or did could change that.

I missed Ace. A lot. And I'm sure that Zoro really misses his Master, so I really wanted to have answers. Right now!

"You guys," Sanji suddenly said, out of the blue. He was still staring at the ocean. "You mind if I bunk with Zoro tonight?"

Hmm. Good question. How should I approach this?

Ah, I could let him, but I will still beg him to ask me why Zoro is gone.

"Of course, but how is Zoro? Is he ok?" I ask.


Author's Note


This chapter wsa so short I didn't feel like doing a word count. See you in Chapter 16! And I promise I'll try to make it at least a 1000 words long even if I have to include multiple POVs. Bye!


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